python - NLTK CFG 多个单词语法

标签 python parsing nlp nltk python-3.4

NLTK 3.0:

使用如下所示的 CFG 配置(非终结符团队有 4 个值,其中 1 个值有 2 个单词(斯里兰卡)。


import nltk
from nltk.parse import generate
from nltk.grammar import Nonterminal

cfg = nltk.CFG.fromstring("""
root -> who_player has the most runs
who_player -> who
who_player -> which player
who_player -> which team player
who -> 'who'
which -> 'which'
player -> 'player'
team -> 'indian' | 'australian' | 'england' | 'sri lankan'
has -> 'has'
the -> 'the'
this -> 'this'
most -> 'most'
runs -> 'runs'

print(list((n,sent) for n, sent in enumerate(generate.generate(cfg, n=100, start=Nonterminal('root')), 1)))

# Above generate generates ['which', 'sri lankan', 'player', 'has', 'the', 'most', 'runs']
# But the same sentence is not parsable by ChartParser.

result1 = nltk.ChartParser(cfg).parse('which england player has the most runs'.split())
result2 = nltk.ChartParser(cfg).parse('which sri lankan player has the most runs'.split()) # Does not work.

如何使用 ChartParser 进行多字配置。



team -> 'indian' | 'australian' | 'england' | 'sri' 'lankan'


[Tree('root', [Tree('who_player', [Tree('which', ['which']), Tree('team', ['sri', 'lankan']), Tree('player', ['player'])]), Tree('has', ['has']), Tree('the', ['the']), Tree('most', ['most']), Tree('runs', ['runs'])])]

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