Python 记录集中的多线程

标签 python multithreading python-2.7 lambda

我有一个数据库记录集(大约 1000 行),目前正在迭代它们,以便使用每条记录的额外数据库查询来集成更多数据。

这样做会将整个处理时间提高到大约 100 秒。

我想做的是将功能共享给 2-4 个进程。

我使用 Python 2.7 来兼容 AWS Lambda。

def handler(event, context):


        records = connection.get_users()

        mandrill_client = open_mandrill_connection()

        mandrill_messages = get_mandrill_messages()

        mandrill_template = 'POINTS weekly-report-to-user'

        start_time = time.time()

        messages = build_messages(mandrill_messages, records)

        print("OVERALL: %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

        send_mandrill_message(mandrill_client, mandrill_template, messages)


        return "Process Completed"

    except Exception as e:



def build_messages(messages, records):

for record in records:

    record = dict(record)

    stream = get_user_stream(record)

    data = compile_loyalty_stream(stream)

        'email': record['email'],
        'type': 'to'

        'rcpt': record['email'],
        'vars': [
                'name': 'total_points',
                'content': record['total_points']
                'name': 'total_week',
                'content': record['week_points']
                'name': 'stream_greek',
                'content': data['el']
                'name': 'stream_english',
                'content': data['en']

return messages


from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool

try block 内创建一个池并将函数映射到该池内:

pool = ThreadPool(4)

messages =, itertools.izip(itertools.repeat(mandrill_messages), records))

def build_messages_in(a_b):

def build_msg(a, b):
    return build_messages(a, b)

def get_user_stream(record):

    response = []

    i = 0

    for mod, mod_id, act, p, act_created in izip(record['models'], record['model_ids'], record['actions'],
                                                 record['points'], record['action_creation']):

        information = get_reference(mod, mod_id)

        if information:

                'action': act,
                'points': p,
                'created': act_created,
                'info': information

            if (act == 'invite_friend') \
                    or (act == 'donate') \
                    or (act == 'bonus_500_general') \
                    or (act == 'bonus_1000_general') \
                    or (act == 'bonus_500_cancel') \
                    or (act == 'bonus_1000_cancel'):

                response[i]['info']['date_ref'] = act_created
                response[i]['info']['slug'] = 'attiki'

            if (act == 'bonus_500_general') \
                    or (act == 'bonus_1000_general') \
                    or (act == 'bonus_500_cancel') \
                    or (act == 'bonus_1000_cancel'):

                response[i]['info']['title'] = ''

            i += 1

    return response

最后,我从 build_message 函数中删除了 for 循环。





例如,正如我们在评论中讨论的那样,如果您可以查明一个需要很长时间的任务,那么您可以尝试使用多处理来并行化它 - 以充分利用您的 CPU力量。这是一个通用示例,希望它足够简单,易于理解,可以镜像您的 Postgres 查询,而无需进入您自己的代码库;我认为这是一个不可行的努力。

import multiprocessing as mp
import time
import random
import datetime as dt

MAILCHIMP_RESPONSE = [x for x in range(1000)]

def chunks(l, n):
    n = max(1, n)
    return [l[i:i + n] for i in range(0, len(l), n)]

def db_query():
    ''' Delayed response from database '''
    return random.random()

def do_queries(query_list):
    ''' The function that takes all your query ids and executes them 
    sequentially for each id '''
    results = []
    for item in query_list:
        query = db_query()
        # Your super-quick processing of the Postgres response
        processing_result = query * 2
        results.append([item, processing_result])
    return results

def single_processing():
    ''' As you do now - equivalent to get_reference '''
    result_of_process = do_queries(MAILCHIMP_RESPONSE)
    return result_of_process

def multi_process(chunked_data, queue):
    ''' Same as single_processing, except we put our results in queue rather
    than returning them '''
    result_of_process = do_queries(chunked_data)

def multiprocess_handler():
    ''' Divide and conquor on our db requests. We split the mailchimp response
    into a series of chunks and fire our queries simultaneously. Thus, each
    concurrent process has a smaller number of queries to make '''

    num_processes = 4 # depending on cores/resources
    size_chunk = len(MAILCHIMP_RESPONSE) / num_processes
    chunked_queries = chunks(MAILCHIMP_RESPONSE, size_chunk)

    queue = mp.Queue() # This is going to combine all the results

    processes = [mp.Process(target=multi_process, 
                args=(chunked_queries[x], queue)) for x in range(num_processes)]

    for p in processes: p.start()

    divide_and_conquor_result = []
    for p in processes:

    return divide_and_conquor_result

if __name__ == '__main__':
    start_single =

    single_process = single_processing()

    print "Single process took {}".format( - start_single)
    print "Number of records processed = {}".format(len(single_process))

    start_multi =

    multi = multiprocess_handler()

    print "Multi process took {}".format( - start_multi)
    print "Number of records processed = {}".format(len(multi))

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