python - 值错误: ('Series lengths must match to compare' when Using Pandas Style

标签 python html pandas dataframe

通过使用Pandas Style ,我试图突出显示那些已使用条件格式从数据帧(如下所示)子集(按行和按列)子集的单元格:

enter image description here

例如,在对第 0 行和第 1 行以及“Adam”和“Gill”列中的单元格进行子集化后,如果这些单元格的值大于相应的目标值,我想将它们突出显示为绿色,如果小于相应的目标值,则将其突出显示为橙色。


ValueError: ('系列长度必须匹配才能比较',u'发生在索引 0')



import pandas as pd

def AboveTarget(s): # For dataframe style
    green = s > df["Target"]
    orange = s < df["Target"]
    return ["background-color: #86f922" if v else "background-color: #faebde" if w else "background-color: white" for v, w in zip(green, orange)]

df = pd.DataFrame({"Adam": [99.1, 95.2, 83.1],
                   "Gill": [99.2, 96.1, 81],
                   "Louis": [60, 71.5, 99.1],
                   "Target": [99, 98, 95]

html = (\
        apply(AboveTarget, subset = pd.IndexSlice[0:1, ["Adam", "Gill"]], axis = 1)



通过使用subset,您可以将切片元素传递给函数AboveTarget。与 axis=1 结合,AboveTarget 的参数 s 将是 DataFrame 中的行,即索引为 ["的 Pandas Series亚当”,“吉尔”]。您无法将其与 df["Target"] 进行比较,后者是索引为 [0,1,2] 的系列。


import pandas as pd

def AboveTarget(s): # For dataframe style
    green = s > s["Target"]
    orange = s < s["Target"]
    return ["background-color: #86f922" if v else "background-color: #faebde"\
        if w else "background-color: white" for v, w in zip(green, orange)]

df = pd.DataFrame({"Adam": [99.1, 95.2, 83.1],
               "Gill": [99.2, 96.1, 81],
               "Louis": [60, 71.5, 99.1],
               "Target": [99, 98, 95]

html = (\
        apply(AboveTarget, subset = pd.IndexSlice[0:1, ["Adam", "Gill", "Target"]], axis = 1)


将“Target”列传递给函数并与相应的 s["Target"] 值进行比较。

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