python - Pandas 匹配多列模式

标签 python pandas

我有一个由 bool 值组成的数据框。我想匹配数据框中的某些多列模式。该模式看起来像:

    bar     foo
0   False   True
1   True    False


      foo    bar pattern
0    True  False   False
1    True  False   False
2    True  False    True
3   False   True   False
4   False   True   False
5   False   True   False
6   False  False   False
7   False  False   False
8   False  False   False
9   False   True   False
10  False   True   False
11  False   True   False
12  False   True   False
13  False   True   False
14  False   True   False
15  False   True   False
16   True  False   False
17   True  False   False
18   True  False    True
19  False   True   False
20  False   True   False
21  False   True   False
22   True  False    True
23  False   True   False
24  False   True   False
25  False   True   False


def matcher(df, pattern):
    def aggregator(pattern):
        """Returns a dict of columnswith their aggregator function
        which is the partially applied inner in this case"""
        def inner(col, window):
            return (window == pattern[col]).all()
        return {col: partial(inner, col) for col in pattern.columns}

    aggregated = (df
                  # Feed the chunks to aggregator in `len(pattern)` sized windows
                  # I'd like it to return True at the beginning of the match
                  .shift(-len(pattern) + 1)
                  # rows consisting of nan return true to `.all()`
    ret = [row.all() for _, row in aggregated.iterrows()]
    return pd.Series(ret)

我最关心的是处理 nan 值,以及缺乏通配符支持(为了支持不一定是盒形模式)。




print(df)  # Original data without 'pattern' column.

df_wide = pd.concat([df, df.shift(-1)], axis=1)
df_wide.columns = ['foo0', 'bar0', 'foo-1', 'bar-1']

pat = ((df_wide['foo0'] == True) & (df_wide['bar-1'] == True)) & \
      ((df_wide['bar0'] == False) & (df_wide['foo-1'] == False)) 

df['pattern'] = False
df.loc[df_wide[pat].index, 'pattern'] = True

print(df)  # Result data with 'pattern' column.

# Original data without 'pattern' column.
      foo    bar
0    True  False
1    True  False
2    True  False
3   False   True
4   False   True
5   False   True

# Result data with 'pattern' column.
      foo    bar  pattern
0    True  False    False
1    True  False    False
2    True  False     True
3   False   True    False
4   False   True    False
5   False   True    False
6   False  False    False
7   False  False    False
8   False  False    False
9   False   True    False
10  False   True    False
11  False   True    False
12  False   True    False
13  False   True    False
14  False   True    False
15  False   True    False
16   True  False    False
17   True  False    False
18   True  False     True
19  False   True    False
20  False   True    False
21  False   True    False
22   True  False     True
23  False   True    False
24  False   True    False
25  False   True    False

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