python - 根据输入的参数数量重复输出

标签 python

对 Python 非常陌生,我的知识范围是我在过去几个小时内刚刚构建的:

from sys import argv
import requests
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

script, gameid = argv

game = requests.get("" + (gameid))
r = game.text
root = ET.fromstring(r)
boardgame = root.findall('boardgame')
for b in boardgame:
    name = b.find('name').text
    year = b.find('yearpublished').text
    mech = b.find('boardgamemechanic').text
    cat = b.find('boardgamecategory').text
    print (name,",",year,",",mech,",",cat)


我想知道的是是否可以运行此脚本 n 次,其中 n 是在 cmd 行输入的参数数量?


C:\Python> 822
Carcassonne , 2000 , Area Control / Area Influence , City Building

C:\Python> 25417
BattleLore , 2006 , Campaign / Battle Card Driven , Fantasy


C:\Python> 822 25417
Carcassonne , 2000 , Area Control / Area Influence , City Building
BattleLore , 2006 , Campaign / Battle Card Driven , Fantasy



关键目标是重复需要多次执行操作的代码。为此,从 argv 的列表中提取您的游戏 ID(您似乎已经知道这是如何工作的)。现在,迭代每个 ID 并为每个 ID 执行与在原始代码中对 ID 执行的操作相同的操作。

from sys import argv
import requests
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

gameids = argv[1:]

for gameid in gameids: 
    game = requests.get("" + (gameid))
    r = game.text
    root = ET.fromstring(r)
    boardgame = root.findall('boardgame')
    for b in boardgame:
        name = b.find('name').text
        year = b.find('yearpublished').text
        mech = b.find('boardgamemechanic').text
        cat = b.find('boardgamecategory').text

        print (name, ",", year, ",", mech, ",", cat)

现在,使用 python 822 25417 调用您的程序,您将看到您正在寻找的结果。

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