python - Pandas 总和高于所有可能的阈值

标签 python pandas


import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(data={'segment':['A','A','A','A','A','A','A','B','B','B','B','B'],
print df

   segment  model1  model2  dollars
0        A       9       9       15
1        A       4       8       10
2        A       5       2       -5
3        A       2       4       -7
4        A       9       6        6
5        A       7       8        7
6        A       7       8       -2
7        B       8       7        5
8        B       8       7        7
9        B       5       7        3
10       B       6       4       -1
11       B       3       4       -3

我的目标是确定值(value)最大化的同时风险模型阈值,即像 (model1 >= X) & (model2 >= Y) 这样的截止值。风险模型都是按等级排序的,数字越大风险越低,值(value)通常越高。


df_sum = df.groupby(by=['segment','model1','model2'])['dollars'].agg(['sum']).rename(columns={'sum':'dollar_sum'}).reset_index()
df_sum.loc[:,'threshold_sum'] = 0

#this loop works but runs very slowly on my large dataframe
#calculate the sum of dollars for each combination of possible model score thresholds
for row in df_sum.itertuples():
    #subset the original df down to just the observations above the given model scores
    df_temp = df[((df['model1'] >= getattr(row,'model1')) & (df['model2'] >= getattr(row,'model2')) & (df['segment'] == getattr(row,'segment')))]
    #calculate the sum and add it back to the dataframe
    df_sum.loc[row.Index,'threshold_sum'] = df_temp['dollars'].sum()

#show the max value for each segment
print df_sum.loc[df_sum.groupby(by=['segment'])['threshold_sum'].idxmax()]

  segment  model1  model2  dollar_sum  threshold_sum
1       A       4       8          10             30
7       B       5       7           3             15

随着数据帧大小的增加,循环运行速度极其缓慢。我确信有一种更快的方法可以做到这一点(也许使用 cumsum() 或 numpy),但我对它是什么感到困惑。有人有更好的方法吗?理想情况下,任何代码都可以轻松扩展到 n 个风险模型,并输出所有可能的 threshold_sum 组合,以防我将来添加其他优化标准。


使用相同的方法,您将通过 apply() 获得一些加速,但我同意您的直觉,可能有更快的方法。
这是一个 apply() 解决方案:


df_sum = (df.groupby(['segment','model1','model2'])

  segment  model1  model2  dollars
0       A       2       4       -7
1       A       4       8       10
2       A       5       2       -5
3       A       7       8        5
4       A       9       6        6
5       A       9       9       15
6       B       3       4       -3
7       B       5       7        3
8       B       6       4       -1
9       B       8       7       12

apply 可以与 groupby 结合使用:

def get_threshold_sum(row):
    return (df.loc[(df.segment == row.segment) & 
                   (df.model1 >= row.model1) & 
                   (df.model2 >= row.model2), 

thresholds = df_sum.apply(get_threshold_sum, axis=1)
mask = thresholds.idxmax()

  segment  model1  model2  dollar_sum
1       A       4       8          10
7       B       5       7           3


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