python - Django:操纵 for 循环以不同方式呈现信息

标签 python django

在 Instagram/Facebook 上的帖子下方,您会看到类似“第 1 个人、第 2 个人和其他 10 个人喜欢此帖子”的文字。我想知道如何使用 Django 来实现网站的相同效果? 通常,我会使用像这样的 for 循环来循环所有喜欢者的姓名;

{% for UserModel in post.likers.all %}
    {{ UserModel.userprofile.first_name }}
{% endfor %}




基本上,您希望根据喜欢该帖子的人数返回不同的字符串。对于每种情况,要么不返回任何内容(0 个喜欢),要么返回喜欢它的人的联合列表(1 - 3 个喜欢),要么返回前三个喜欢它的人的联合列表,其余的喜欢计数(> 3 个喜欢)。

from django.db import models

class Post(models.Model)

    # ... your model properties here

    def display_likers(self):

        # how many people liked this?
        num = self.likers.count()

        if num == 0:
            # nobody liked this. return simple string.
            return "Nobody likes this."

        elif num < 4:
            # 1 to 3 people liked this. join their names and
            # return that as a string.
            likers = ', '.join(x.userprofile.first_name for x in self.likers.all())
            return '{} like this'.format(likers)

            # more than 3 people liked this. return the first 3
            # names and count the remaining likers.
            # note the indexing after all() to only get 3 entries.
            three_likers = ', '.join(
                x.userprofile.first_name for x in self.likers.all()[:3]
            more_count = num - 3
            return '{} and {} others like this'.format(three_likers, more_count)

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