python - Seaborn 分布图 : unsupported operand type(s) for/: 'str' and 'int'

标签 python pandas numpy seaborn



import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import glob

# Load data set
dataset = { 1:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 2:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 3:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 4:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]},
            5:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 6:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 7:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 8:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 9:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 10:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 
            11:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 12:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 13:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 14:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 
            15:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 16:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 17:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 18:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 19:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 20:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 
            21:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 22:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 23:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 24:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 25:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 26:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 27:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 28:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 29:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}, 30:{"Oxy":[], "De-oxy":[]}}

oxy_files = glob.glob("/Users/gabagaba/Documents/MATLAB/Subject-output/Oxy/*.txt")
deoxy_files = glob.glob("/Users/gabagaba/Documents/MATLAB/Subject-output/DeOxy/*.txt")

for item in sorted(oxy_files): # Put all oxy readings in dataset_oxy
    with open(item) as file:
        content = ""
        for line in file:
            content = content + line.replace("\n", ",")
        items = content.split(',')

        count = 1
        for i in items:
            if ( count < 31 ):
            count += 1

for item in sorted(deoxy_files): # Put all de-oxy readings in dataset_deoxy
    with open(item) as file:
        content = ""
        for line in file:
            content = content + line.replace("\n", ",")
        items = content.split(',')

        count = 1
        for i in items:
            if ( count < 31 ):
            count += 1

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (15,10))
ax = plt.gca()
j = 1

for a in sorted(dataset.keys()):
    val = pd.DataFrame({'Oxy': dataset[a]['Oxy'], 'De-oxy': dataset[a]['De-oxy']})
    subax = plt.subplot(5,6,j)

        sns.distplot(val, bins=29, hist=True, kde=True, rug=True,
                     ax = subax, color = 'k', norm_hist = True) # This distplot function generates the error from the dataframe input.

    except Exception as Ex:
        print Ex

    subax.set_title("Sensor " + str(a))

    j += 1

plt.subplots_adjust(left = 0.06, right = 0.99, bottom = 0.07,
                    top = 0.92, wspace = 0.14, hspace = 0.6) 

fig.text(0.5, 0.02, 'De-oxy', ha ='center', fontsize = 15)
fig.text(0.02, 0.5, 'Oxy', ha ='center', 
         rotation='vertical', fontsize = 15)       

val 数据框看起来像:

         De-oxy          Oxy
0    0.00006010   0.00004332
1    0.00001508  -0.00039567
2    0.00002082  -0.00018257
3    0.00001455  -0.00014494
4    0.00003703  -0.00007764
5    0.00001842  -0.00030163
6    0.00006357  -0.00024539
7    0.00006357  -0.00024539
8   -0.00000054  -0.00018082
9    0.00001561   0.00000669
10   0.00010251  -0.00017378
11   0.00004183  -0.00022999
12  -0.00001308   0.00000502
13   0.00002442  -0.00007114
14   0.00000000   0.00000000
15  -0.00001547   0.00007255
16  -0.00000693   0.00000565
17  -0.00002355   0.00007807
18   0.00000000   0.00000000
19  -0.00000884   0.00006787
20   0.00001404  -0.00010094
21   0.00009296  -0.00035937
22   0.00000000   0.00000000
23   0.00000825  -0.00006484
24   0.00001220  -0.00012597
25  -0.00002296   0.00006205
26   0.00003026  -0.00012464
27   0.00000340  -0.00002748
28   0.00000149   0.00170630


目标是为数据集中的每个键(传感器#)绘制一个图,其中 x 轴上有氧值,y 轴上有脱氧值。

编辑: 根据要求回溯:

unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'int'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 75, in <module>
    ax = subax, norm_hist = True) 
  File "/Users/gabagaba/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/seaborn/", line 192, in distplot
    line, = ax.plot(a.mean(), 0)
  File "/Users/gabagaba/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/", line 82, in _mean
    ret = ret / rcount
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'int'


按照@CristiFati的建议,我仔细检查了所有数据输入,并最终将所有输入转换为 float 。这解决了问题。




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