python - 理解 "Think Python"中的 turtle 圆和弧

标签 python geometry turtle-graphics

在“Think Python”的界面设计部分中,我需要帮助理解圆和圆弧函数的方法,如下所示:

import turtle
import polygon
bob = turtle.Turtle()


def polygon(t, n, length):

    angle = 360 / n
    for i in range(n):


def circle(t, r):

    circumference = 2 * math.pi * r
    n = int(circumference / 3 ) + 1
    length = circumference / n
    polygon(t, n, length)


  • 我不知道他们为什么定义circumference来绘制圆以及它是如何绘制圆的。

  • 如果我调用像circle(bob, 100)这样的函数,那么它只会绘制圆的一小部分而不是整个圆。

  • 我不明白为什么需要 n,以及该过程如何形成一个圆。


I have no idea why they define circumference to draw circle and how it take a work to draw a circle

我们可视化圆的一种方法是绘制一个多边形,其边数等于圆的(整数)周长,每条边的长度为 1。对于半径 = 100 的圆,则为:

polygon(bob, 628, 1)  # 628 = 2 * PI * 100


enter image description here


polygon(bob, 209, 3)


enter image description here

If I call the function like circle(bob, 100) then it only draws a fraction of circle not the whole circle.

我相信您将上面定义的circle()函数与turtle附带的circle()方法混淆了。作者以这种方式重复使用“圈子”名称,令人困惑。 turtle circle() 方法的第二个参数是一个范围:

extent - an angle - determines which part of the circle is drawn. If extent is not given, draw the entire circle. If extent is not a full circle, one endpoint of the arc is the current pen position.

所以“Think Python”函数调用:

circle(bob, 100)


enter image description here

turtle 方法:, 90)

根据半径 100 绘制圆弧(1/4 圆):

enter image description here

I don't understand why n is needed, and how that procedure can make a circle.

n 是近似圆的多边形的边数:

n = int(circumference / 3 ) + 1
length = circumference / n
polygon(t, n, length)

从半径 100 开始,如果我们将上面的“3”替换为 1,我们将得到一个具有更多 (629) 条边的多边形:

n = int(circumference / 1) + 1  # n = 629
length = circumference / n  # length = 0.9989


polygon(t, 628, 1)

如上图所示。但如果我们用“27”替换“3”,我们会得到一个由 24 条边的多边形近似的圆:

n = int(circumference / 27 ) + 1  # n = 24
length = circumference / n  # length = 26.1799

enter image description here

原来的“3”值应该是一个附加参数 - 在 方法中,它大致相当于 steps 参数:

As the circle is approximated by an inscribed regular polygon, steps determines the number of steps to use. If not given, it will be calculated automatically. May be used to draw regular polygons., steps=12)

enter image description here

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