python - 温度传感器线性组合曲线拟合

标签 python pandas curve-fitting





def process_data_curve_fitting(temperature, strain):

   #mean_T = (temperature[[i for i in temperature.columns.tolist() if str(i)[:2] == 'TW']].mean(axis=1))
   print("process data")

   T1 = temperature['T1'].tolist()
   T2 = temperature['T2'].tolist()
   T3 = temperature['T3'].tolist()
   T4 = temperature['T4'].tolist()
   T5 = temperature['T5'].tolist()
   T6 = temperature['T6'].tolist()
   T7 = temperature['T7'].tolist()
   T8 = temperature['T8'].tolist()
   T9 = temperature['T9'].tolist()
   T10 = temperature['T10'].tolist()

   df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10)))
   mean_T = df.mean(axis = 1)

   Sensor_Names = [ 'W_A1', 'W_A2', 'W_F1', 'W_F2', 'W_F4', 'W_S1', 'W_S2', 'W_S3', 'W_S4', 'W_KF1', 'W_KF2', 'W_KF3', 'W_KF4', 'W_DB1', 'W_DB2']
   ys = []
   for i in range(len(strain)):
       cof = np.polyfit(mean_T, strain[i], 2)
       poly = np.polyval(cof, mean_T)
       print (cof)
       print (poly)

   for i in range(len(strain)):
       fig = plt.figure()
       plt.scatter(mean_T, strain[i],s=0.1)
      # fig.savefig(r'c:\\ahmed\\'+Sensor_Names[i]+'.png')
       plt.plot(mean_T, ys[i], color='r')
       fig.savefig(r'c:\\ahmed\\'+"Curve_fitting__" + Sensor_Names[i]+'.png',dpi=300)

       plt.ylabel('strain' + Sensor_Names[i])

请看一下等式 enter image description here


作为两个温度传感器的“概念验证” (这里既不添加噪音也不考虑实际参数):

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import leastsq

def strain( t, a, b, c, d ):
    return a * t**3 + b * t**2 + c * t + d

def residuals( params, x1Data, x2Data, yData ):
    s1, s2, a, b, c, d = params
    cxData = [ (s1**2 * x1 + s2**2 * x2) /( s1**2 + s2**2 ) for x1, x2 in zip( x1Data, x2Data) ]
    diff = [ strain( x, a, b, c, d ) -y for x, y in zip( cxData, yData ) ]
    return diff

timeList = np.linspace( 0, 25, 55 )
t1List = np.fromiter( (  5 + 25. * (1 - np.exp( -t / 9. ) )for t in timeList ), np.float )
t2List = np.fromiter( (30. * (1 - np.exp( -t / 7. ) ) * ( 1 - np.exp( -t / 3. ) ) for t in timeList ), np.float )

combinedList = np.fromiter( ( (.7 * a + .2 * b)/.9 for a, b in zip( t1List, t2List ) ), np.float )
strainList = np.fromiter( ( strain( t, .01, -.1, .88, .2 ) for t in combinedList  ), np.float )

fit, ier = leastsq( residuals, [.71,.22, 0,0, .1, .1 ], args=( t1List, t2List, strainList ), maxfev=5000 )
print fit 
fittedT = [ (fit[0]**2 * x1 + fit[1]**2 *x2 ) /( fit[0]**2 + fit[1]**2 ) for x1, x2 in zip( t1List, t2List) ]
fittedS = [ strain( t, *(fit[2:]) ) for t in fittedT ]

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot( 3, 1, 1 )
bx = fig.add_subplot( 3, 1, 2 )
cx = fig.add_subplot( 3, 1, 3 )
ax.plot( timeList, t1List )
ax.plot( timeList, t2List )
ax.plot( timeList, combinedList )
bx.plot( combinedList, strainList, linestyle='', marker='x' )
bx.plot( fittedT, fittedS )
cx.plot( timeList, fittedT ,'--')
cx.plot( timeList, combinedList,':' )


[ 4.21350842e+03  2.25221499e+03  1.00000000e-02 -1.00000000e-01 8.80000000e-01  2.00000000e-01]



顶部:温度 1(蓝色)和 2(橙色)以及线性组合(绿色) 中心:“模拟数据”(蓝色)和拟合(橙色) 底部:拟合温度(蓝色)、真实温度(橙色)


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