python - DecisionTreeRegressor 的 Predict_proba 的等效项

标签 python scikit-learn regression prediction decision-tree

scikit-learn 的 DecisionTreeClassifier 支持通过 predict_proba() 函数预测每个类的概率。 DecisionTreeRegressor 中不存在这一点:

AttributeError: 'DecisionTreeRegressor' object has no attribute 'predict_proba'

我的理解是,决策树分类器和回归器之间的基 native 制非常相似,主要区别在于回归器的预测是作为潜在叶子的平均值来计算的。所以我希望能够提取每个值的概率。

是否有其他方法来模拟这个,例如通过处理tree structurecode对于 DecisionTreeClassifierpredict_proba 不能直接转移。


此函数改编自 hellpanderr's answer 的代码提供每个结果的概率:

from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
import pandas as pd

def decision_tree_regressor_predict_proba(X_train, y_train, X_test, **kwargs):
    """Trains DecisionTreeRegressor model and predicts probabilities of each y.

        X_train: Training features.
        y_train: Training labels.
        X_test: New data to predict on.
        **kwargs: Other arguments passed to DecisionTreeRegressor.

        DataFrame with columns for record_id (row of X_test), y 
        (predicted value), and prob (of that y value).
        The sum of prob equals 1 for each record_id.
    # Train model.
    m = DecisionTreeRegressor(**kwargs).fit(X_train, y_train)
    # Get y values corresponding to each node.
    node_ys = pd.DataFrame({'node_id': m.apply(X_train), 'y': y_train})
    # Calculate probability as 1 / number of y values per node.
    node_ys['prob'] = 1 / node_ys.groupby(node_ys.node_id).transform('count')
    # Aggregate per node-y, in case of multiple training records with the same y.
    node_ys_dedup = node_ys.groupby(['node_id', 'y']).prob.sum().to_frame()\
    # Extract predicted leaf node for each new observation.
    leaf = pd.DataFrame(m.decision_path(X_test).toarray()).apply(
        lambda x:x.to_numpy().nonzero()[0].max(), axis=1).to_frame(
    leaf['record_id'] = leaf.index
    # Merge with y values and drop node_id.
    return leaf.merge(node_ys_dedup, on='node_id').drop(
        'node_id', axis=1).sort_values(['record_id', 'y'])

示例(请参阅 this notebook ):

from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X, y = load_boston(True)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=0)
# Works better with min_samples_leaf > 1.
res = decision_tree_regressor_predict_proba(X_train, y_train, X_test,
                                            random_state=0, min_samples_leaf=5)
res[res.record_id == 2]
#      record_id       y        prob
#   25         2    20.6    0.166667
#   26         2    22.3    0.166667
#   27         2    22.7    0.166667
#   28         2    23.8    0.333333
#   29         2    25.0    0.166667

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