python - 如何使用 python 消除 json 文件中的冗余

标签 python json


  "question": "yellow skin around wound from cat bite. why?",
  "answer": "this may be the secondary result of a resolving bruise but a cat bite is a potentially serious and complicated wound and should be under the care of a physician.",
  "tags": [
    "wound care"
  "question": "yellow skin around wound from cat bite. why?",
  "answer": "see your doctor with all deliberate speed. or go to an urgent care center or a hospital emergency room. do it fast!",
  "tags": [
    "wound care"

正如您所看到的,冗余部分仅位于按键的“问题”部分,但答案各不相同,这意味着该数据是从论坛中提取的,并且它包含不同的答案同样的问题,有没有办法使用 pyton 消除冗余部分或将答案分组在一起。 谢谢


需要某种分组。有很多方法可以做到这一点,包括来自 itertools 模块的函数、pandas 等外部模块以及其他来源。这是使用内置结构 defaultdict 的一种方法:

from collections import defaultdict
import json

data = json.loads(rawdata)
questions = defaultdict(list)
for row in data:
    question = row.pop('question')

结果将是一个以问题为键的字典questions(准确地说是defaultdict),其值给出了结果答案和标签。一个缺点是这会破坏性地改变您原始解析的 JSON 数据。您可以通过多种方式来解决这个问题,为简洁起见,我将省略这些方法。

这是生成的 questions 字典的简化版本:

{'yellow skin ...why?': [{'answer': 'this may be the secondary result of a '
                                    'resolving bruise but a cat bite is a '
                                    'potentially serious and complicated wound '
                                    'and should be under the care of a '
                          'tags': ['wound care']},
                         {'answer': 'see your doctor with all deliberate '
                                    'speed. or go to an urgent care center or '
                                    'a hospital emergency room. do it fast!',
                          'tags': ['wound care']}]}

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