mysql - Insert INTO MySQL FROM 另一个表

标签 mysql

INSERT INTO campaign_ledger (`campaign_id`, `description`, amount, balance, timestamp)
VALUES (SELECT id as campaign_id, 'Ported from campaigns' as description, budget_remaining as amount, budget_remaining as balance, NOW() as timestamp FROM campaigns)


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SELECT id as campaign_id, 'Ported from campaigns' as description, budget_remaini' at line 2



由于您是从表中进行选择,因此您需要使用 INSERT INTO SELECT FROM 查询:

INSERT INTO campaign_ledger 
    , `description`
    , amount
    , balance
    , timestamp
    id as campaign_id
    , 'Ported from campaigns' as description
    , budget_remaining as amount 
    , budget_remaining as balance
    , NOW() as timestamp 
FROM campaigns

仅当您使用特定值而不是从表中选择时才使用INSERT INTO VALUES。如果你想使用 INSERT INTO VALUES 那么你的查询应该是这样的:

INSERT INTO campaign_ledger 
    , `description`
    , amount
    , balance
    , timestamp
    , 'test'
    , 100.00
    , 1000.00
    , NOW()

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