python - Pandas 数据框合并问题

标签 python pandas

我需要合并以下 2 个数据框:

     A    B    C    D    F
0    1    a   zz   10   11
1    1    a   zz   15   11
2    2    b   yy   20   12
3    3    c   xx   30   13
4    4    d   ww   40   14
5    5    e   vv   50   15
6    6    f   uu   60   16
7    7    g  NaN   70   17
8    8    h   ss   80   18
9    9  NaN   rr   90   19
10  13    m   nn  130  113
11  15    o   ll  150  115

    A    B    C    D     G
0   1  NaN   zz   15   100
1   6    f   uu   60   600
2   7    g   tt   70   700
3  10    j   qq  100  1000
4  12    l  NaN  120  1200
5  14    n  NaN  140  1400


     A    B    C    D     F     G
0    1    a   zz   10    11  None
1    1    a   zz   15    11   100
2    2    b   yy   20    12  None
3    3    c   xx   30    13  None
4    4    d   ww   40    14  None
5    5    e   vv   50    15  None
6    6    f   uu   60    16   600
7    7    g   tt   70    17   700
8    8    h   ss   80    18  None
9    9  NaN   rr   90    19  None
10  13    m   nn  130   113  None
11  15    o   ll  150   115  None
12  10    j   qq  100  None  1000
13  12    l  NaN  120  None  1200
14  14    n  NaN  140  None  1400


df1 = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15],
                    'B': ['a', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', np.NAN, 'm', 'o'],
                    'C': ['zz', 'zz', 'yy', 'xx', 'ww', 'vv', 'uu', np.NAN, 'ss', 'rr', 'nn', 'll'],
                    'D': [10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 130, 150],
                    'F': [11, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 113, 115]})

df2 = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14],
                    'B': [np.NAN, 'f', 'g', 'j', 'l', 'n'],
                    'C': ['zz', 'uu', 'tt', 'qq', np.NAN, np.NAN],
                    'D': [15, 60, 70, 100, 120, 140],
                    'G': [100, 600, 700, 1000, 1200, 1400]})


md1 = df1.merge(df2, how='outer')
md2 = df1.merge(df2, how='outer', on=['A', 'D'])
md3 = df1.merge(df2, how='outer', left_on=['A', 'D'], right_on=['A', 'D'])
md4 = df1.merge(df2, how='outer', left_on=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'], right_on=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'])


     A    B    C    D      F       G
0    1    a   zz   10   11.0     NaN
1    1    a   zz   15   11.0     NaN
2    2    b   yy   20   12.0     NaN
3    3    c   xx   30   13.0     NaN
4    4    d   ww   40   14.0     NaN
5    5    e   vv   50   15.0     NaN
6    6    f   uu   60   16.0   600.0
7    7    g  NaN   70   17.0     NaN
8    8    h   ss   80   18.0     NaN
9    9  NaN   rr   90   19.0     NaN
10  13    m   nn  130  113.0     NaN
11  15    o   ll  150  115.0     NaN
12   1  NaN   zz   15    NaN   100.0
13   7    g   tt   70    NaN   700.0
14  10    j   qq  100    NaN  1000.0
15  12    l  NaN  120    NaN  1200.0
16  14    n  NaN  140    NaN  1400.0


     A  B_x  C_x    D      F  B_y  C_y       G
0    1    a   zz   10   11.0  NaN  NaN     NaN
1    1    a   zz   15   11.0  NaN   zz   100.0
2    2    b   yy   20   12.0  NaN  NaN     NaN
3    3    c   xx   30   13.0  NaN  NaN     NaN
4    4    d   ww   40   14.0  NaN  NaN     NaN
5    5    e   vv   50   15.0  NaN  NaN     NaN
6    6    f   uu   60   16.0    f   uu   600.0
7    7    g  NaN   70   17.0    g   tt   700.0
8    8    h   ss   80   18.0  NaN  NaN     NaN
9    9  NaN   rr   90   19.0  NaN  NaN     NaN
10  13    m   nn  130  113.0  NaN  NaN     NaN
11  15    o   ll  150  115.0  NaN  NaN     NaN
12  10  NaN  NaN  100    NaN    j   qq  1000.0
13  12  NaN  NaN  120    NaN    l  NaN  1200.0
14  14  NaN  NaN  140    NaN    n  NaN  1400.0



def merge_df(d1, d2, on_columns):
    d1_row_count = d1.shape[0]
    d2_row_count = d2.shape[0]
    d1_columns = list(d1.columns)
    d2_columns = list(d2.columns)
    extra_columns_in_d1 = []
    extra_columns_in_d2 = []
    common_columns = []
    for c in d1_columns:
        if c not in d2_columns:
    for c in d2_columns:
        if c not in d1_columns:
    # start with the merged dataframe equal to d1
    md = d1.copy(deep=True)
    # Append the extra columns to md (with None values in the newly appended columns)
    for c in extra_columns_in_d2:
        md[c] = [None] * d1_row_count
    d1_new_row_number = d1_row_count
    # iterate thru each row in d2
    for i in range(d2_row_count):
        # create the match query string
        d1_match_condition = ''
        for p, c in enumerate(on_columns):
            d1_match_condition += c + ' == ' + str(d2.loc[i, c])
            if p < (len(on_columns) - 1):
                d1_match_condition += ' and '
        match_in_d1 = d1.query(d1_match_condition)
        # if match is not found, then append the row
        if match_in_d1.shape[0] == 0:
            # build a list representing the row to append
            row_list = []
            for c in common_columns:
                row_list.append(d2.loc[i, c])
            for c in extra_columns_in_d1:
            for c in extra_columns_in_d2:
                row_list.append(d2.loc[i, c])
            md.loc[d1_new_row_number] = row_list
            d1_new_row_number += 1
        # if match is found, then modify the found row
            match_in_d1_index = list(match_in_d1.index)[0]
            for c in common_columns:
                if (md.loc[match_in_d1_index, c]) is None or (md.loc[match_in_d1_index, c]) is np.NAN:
                    md.loc[match_in_d1_index, c] = d2.loc[i, c]
            for c in extra_columns_in_d2:
                md.loc[match_in_d1_index, c] = d2.loc[i, c]
    return md


md5 = merge_df(df1, df2, ['A', 'D'])



您可以先合并,然后使用 .assing.combine_first。合并的结果列需要通过获取右侧 df 的值并使用左侧 df 更新其值来正确组合在一起,它在该特定点有一个条目。这就是 .combine_first 的作用。

m = pd.merge(df1, df2, on=['A','D'], how='outer')
m.assign(B=m['B_x'].combine_first(m['B_y']), C=m['C_x'].combine_first(m['C_y']))\
    .drop(['B_x','C_x','B_y','C_y'], 1)[['A','B','C','D','F','G']]


    A   B   C   D   F       G
0   1   a   zz  10  11.0    NaN
1   1   a   zz  15  11.0    100.0
2   2   b   yy  20  12.0    NaN
3   3   c   xx  30  13.0    NaN
4   4   d   ww  40  14.0    NaN
5   5   e   vv  50  15.0    NaN
6   6   f   uu  60  16.0    600.0
7   7   g   tt  70  17.0    700.0
8   8   h   ss  80  18.0    NaN
9   9   NaN rr  90  19.0    NaN
10  13  m   nn  130 113.0   NaN
11  15  o   ll  150 115.0   NaN
12  10  j   qq  100 NaN     1000.0
13  12  l   NaN 120 NaN     1200.0
14  14  n   NaN 140 NaN     1400.0

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