Python matplotlib/seaborn 绘图条形图子类别

标签 python matplotlib seaborn

我有一本字典,名为 data 。我想绘制一个条形图,以便每个 A , B , C ,和D值为 posneg .


此外,我希望类别按其总频率的降序排列 ( pos + neg )

data = {'A': {'pos': 289794, 'neg': 515063},
        'B': {'pos': 174790, 'neg': 292551},
        'C': {'pos': 375574, 'neg': 586616},
        'D': {'pos': 14932, 'neg': 8661}}


%matplotlib inline 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

data = {'A': {'pos': 289794, 'neg': 515063},
        'B': {'pos': 174790, 'neg': 292551},
        'C': {'pos': 375574, 'neg': 586616},
        'D': {'pos': 14932, 'neg': 8661}}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df = df.T
df ['sum'] = df.sum(axis=1)
df.sort_values('sum', ascending=False)[['neg','pos']] 

enter image description here

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