python - 从 Python :3. 7 基本镜像 docker 容器中运行 azure iotc.connect() 时,会引发无效 URL 错误

标签 python docker-image azure-iot-central

我的脚本运行正确,并且在主机 RaspberryPi、Python3.7 以及我的 Windows10 笔记本电脑上运行时可以连接到 IOT 中心。但是,当在使用 python:3.7-buster 构建的容器中运行时,它会引发 InvalidURL(f"URL can't contains control characters. {url!r} 错误。

我尝试了各种 Python Docker 镜像,但遇到了相同的错误。

import iotc
from iotc import IOTConnectType, IOTLogLevel
from random import randint
import settings, client
import json, time

# settings_fp = r"config.json"
settings_fp = '/var/lib/project/config.json'

with open(settings_fp, 'r') as settings_file:
  settings = json.load(settings_file)

scopeId = settings['cloud']['scope_id']
deviceId = settings['cloud']['device_id']
deviceKey = settings['cloud']['primary_key']

iotc = iotc.Device(scopeId, deviceKey, deviceId, IOTConnectType.IOTC_CONNECT_SYMM_KEY)

gCanSend = False
gCounter = 0

def onconnect(info):
  global gCanSend
  print("- [onconnect] => status:" + str(info.getStatusCode()))
  if info.getStatusCode() == 0:
     if iotc.isConnected():
       gCanSend = True
       print("Connected to the cloud!!!")

def onmessagesent(info):
  print("\t- [onmessagesent] => " + str(info.getPayload()))

def oncommand(info):
  print("- [oncommand] => " + info.getTag() + " => " + str(info.getPayload()))

def onsettingsupdated(info):
  print("- [onsettingsupdated] => " + info.getTag() + " => " + info.getPayload())

iotc.on("ConnectionStatus", onconnect)
iotc.on("MessageSent", onmessagesent)
iotc.on("Command", oncommand)
iotc.on("SettingsUpdated", onsettingsupdated)

iotc.connect() # code fails here

我希望与 IOT 中心建立正常连接,但却得到了

InvalidURL(f"URL can't contain control characters. {url!r} "


已报告问题 here并在 iotc 包的 0.3.5 版本中解决。

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