python - Tello 无人机在遵循方形路径后未降落在停机坪上

标签 python

我是一名初学者,正在学习对名为 Tello 的无人机进行编程。我开发了代码,允许无人机从着陆场起飞并沿着方形路径飞行。但是,我面临一个问题。无人机没有降落在停机坪上。它稍微向前着陆,例如 80 - 100 厘米。


# This code is adopted from
# Import the necessary modules
import socket
import threading
import time

class Tello():

    def __init__(self):
        # IP and port of Tello
        self.tello_address = ('', 8889)

        # IP and port of local computer
        self.local_address = ('', 9000)

        # Create a UDP connection that we'll send the command to
        self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

        # Bind to the local address and port

        # Create and start a listening thread that runs in the background
        # This utilizes our receive functions and will continuously monitor for incoming messages
        self.receiveThread = threading.Thread(target=self.receive)
        self.receiveThread.daemon = True

    # Send the message to Tello and allow for a delay in seconds
    def send(self, message, delay):
        # Try to send the message otherwise print the exception
            self.sock.sendto(message.encode(), self.tello_address)
            print("Sending message: " + message)
        except Exception as e:
            print("Error sending: " + str(e))

        # Delay for a user-defined period of time

    # Receive the message from Tello
    def receive(self):
        # Continuously loop and listen for incoming messages
        while True:
            # Try to receive the message otherwise print the exception
                response, ip_address = self.sock.recvfrom(128)
                print("Received message: " + response.decode(encoding='utf-8'))
            except Exception as e:
                # If there's an error close the socket and break out of the loop
                print("Error receiving: " + str(e))


import tello

# Billy
billy = tello.Tello()

# Each leg of the box will be 100 cm. Tello uses cm units by default.
box_leg_distance = 100

# Yaw 90 degrees
yaw_angle = 90

# Yaw clockwise (right)
yaw_direction = "ccw"

# Put Tello into command mode
billy.send("command", 3)

# Send the takeoff command
billy.send("takeoff", 5)

# Fly in the squared path
billy.send("forward " + str(box_leg_distance), 4)
billy.send("ccw " + str(yaw_angle), 3)
billy.send("forward " + str(box_leg_distance), 4)
billy.send("ccw " + str(yaw_angle), 3)
billy.send("forward " + str(box_leg_distance), 4)
billy.send("ccw " + str(yaw_angle), 3)
billy.send("forward " + str(box_leg_distance), 4)
billy.send("ccw " + str(yaw_angle), 3)
billy.send("forward " + str(box_leg_distance), 4)
billy.send("ccw " + str(yaw_angle), 3)

# Send the land command
billy.send("land ", 4)

# Print message
print("Mission completed successfully!")

# Close the socket






只需删除以下 block 之一:

billy.send("forward " + str(box_leg_distance), 4)
billy.send("ccw " + str(yaw_angle), 3)

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