python - 重新运行程序时出现问题

标签 python file python-2.5

我有一个相当简单的 python 循环,它调用一些函数,并将输出写入文件。为此,创建一个文件夹,并将文件保存在该文件夹中。


有问题的文件是“buff1.shp”。我正在使用 Python 2.5 在 ArcGIS 中运行一些分析


# Import system modules
import sys, string, os, arcgisscripting, shutil

# Create the Geoprocessor object
gp = arcgisscripting.create()

# Load required toolboxes...
gp.AddToolbox("C:/Program Files/ArcGIS/ArcToolbox/Toolboxes/Spatial Statistics Tools.tbx")
gp.AddToolbox("C:/Program Files/ArcGIS/ArcToolbox/Toolboxes/Analysis Tools.tbx")

# specify workspace
gp.Workspace = "C:/LEED/Cities_20_Oct/services"
path = "C:\\LEED\\Cities_20_Oct\\services\\"

results = 'results\\' 
os.mkdir( path + results )      
newpath = path + results

# Loop through each file (0 -> 20)
for j in range(0,1):
    in_file = "ser" + str(j) + ".shp"
    in_file_2 = "ser" + str(j) + "_c.shp"
    print "Analyzing " + str(in_file) + " and " + str(in_file_2)    

    #Loop through a range of buffers - in this case, 1,2
    for i in range(1,2):
        print "Buffering....."  

        # Local variables...
        center_services = in_file_2
        buffer_shp = newpath + "buff" + str(i) + ".shp"
        points = in_file_2
        buffered_analysis_count_shp = newpath + "buffered_analysis_count.shp"
        count_txt = newpath + "count.txt"

        # Buffer size
        b_size = 1000 + 1000 * i
        b_size_input = str(b_size) + ' METERS'

        print "Buffer:" + b_size_input + "\n"

        # Process: Buffer...
        gp.Buffer_analysis(center_services, buffer_shp, b_size_input, "FULL", "ROUND", "ALL", "")
        print "over"



 ExecuteError: ERROR 000210: Cannot create output C:\LEED\Cities_20_Oct\services\results\buff1.shp Failed to execute (Buffer). 


我看不出错误消息 blahblah\buff1.shp 中的文件名是如何从您的代码中产生的。

for i in range(0,1):
    buffer_shp = newpath + "buff" + str(i) + ".shp"
    gp.Buffer_analysis(center_services, buffer_shp, etc etc)

应该生成blahblah\buff0.shp而不是blahblah\buff1.shp...我强烈建议您显示的代码应该是您实际运行的代码。在 gp.Buffer_analysis() 调用之前添加打印语句以显示 i 和 repr(buffer_shp) 的值。显示所有打印结果。

此外,注释#Loop through a range of buffers (1 ->100) 表示您希望从 1 而不是 0 开始。如果注释与代码匹配,它会对(您)有很大帮助。


    os.mkdir( path + results )      
    newpath = path + results


    newpath = path + results # using os.path.join() is even better

您可能想养成使用 os.path.join() 构建所有路径的习惯。

您需要在循环外部调用 os.mkdir(),即每次运行脚本时调用一次,而不是每次在内循环中调用一次。


    buffered_analysis_count_shp = newpath + "buffered_analysis_count.shp"
    count_txt = newpath + "count.txt"


用谷歌搜索错误消息中的前几个单词(总是一个好主意!)会显示:troubleshooting geoprocessing errors它提供以下信息:

geoprocessing errors that occur when reading or writing ArcSDE/DBMS data receive a generic 'catch-all' error message, such as error 00210 when writing output

这继续建议了一些确定您的确切问题是什么的方法。如果这对您没有帮助,您可能想尝试在相关的 ESRI 论坛或 GIS StackExchange 上提问。 .

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