python - 正则表达式替换 html 文档中的文本节点

标签 python html regex replace lxml

我有一个代表 html 文档的字符串。我试图用一些替换 html 替换该文档中的文本,当然排除标记和属性值。我认为这很简单,但是当您想用标记替换文本时,这非常乏味。例如,替换 somekeyword<a href = "link">somekeyword</a> .

from lxml.html import fragments_fromstring, fromstring, tostring
from re import compile
def markup_aware_sub(pattern, repl, text):
    exp = compile(pattern)
    root = fromstring(text)

    els = [el for el in root.getiterator() if el.text]
    els = [el for el in els if el.text.strip()]
    for el in els:
        text = exp.sub(repl, el.text)
        if text == el.text:
        parent = el.getparent()
        new_el = fromstring(text)
        new_el.tag = el.tag
        for k, v in el.attrib.items():
            new_el.attrib[k] = v
        parent.replace(el, new_el)
    return tostring(root)

markup_aware_sub('keyword', '<a>blah</a>', '<div><p>Text with keyword here</p></div>')




from HTMLParser import HTMLParser

class MyParser(HTMLParser):
    def __init__(self,link, keyword):
    self.__html = [] = link
    self.keyword = keyword

    def handle_data(self, data):
    text = data.strip()
    self.__html.append(text.replace(self.keyword,'<a href="''>'+self.keyword+'</a>'))

    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):

    def handle_endtag(self, tag):

    def new_html(self):
    return ''.join(self.__html).strip()

parser = MyParser("blah","keyword")
parser.feed("<div><p>Text with keyword here</p></div>")
print parser.new_html()


<div><p>Text with <a href="blah>keyword</a> here</p></div>

您的 lxml 方法的问题似乎仅在关键字只有一个嵌套时才会出现。它似乎适用于多个嵌套。所以我添加了一个if条件来捕获这个异常。

from lxml.html import fragments_fromstring, fromstring, tostring
from re import compile
def markup_aware_sub(pattern, repl, text):
    exp = compile(pattern)
    root = fromstring(text)
    els = [el for el in root.getiterator() if el.text]
    els = [el for el in els if el.text.strip()]

    if len(els) == 1:
      el = els[0]
      text = exp.sub(repl, el.text)
      parent = el.getparent()
      new_el = fromstring(text)
      new_el.tag = el.tag
      for k, v in el.attrib.items():
          new_el.attrib[k] = v
      return tostring(new_el)

    for el in els:
      text = exp.sub(repl, el.text)
      if text == el.text:
      parent = el.getparent()
      new_el = fromstring(text)
      new_el.tag = el.tag
      for k, v in el.attrib.items():
          new_el.attrib[k] = v
      parent.replace(el, new_el)
    return tostring(root)

print markup_aware_sub('keyword', '<a>blah</a>', '<p>Text with keyword here</p>')


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