python - GQL 内部交易

标签 python google-app-engine

Google 应用引擎返回“BadRequestError:事务内只允许祖先查询。”这在代码上下文中意味着什么:

class Counter(db.Model):
        totalRegistrations = db.IntegerProperty(default=0)   

def countUsers():
    counter = Counter.all().get()
    counter.totalRegistrations = counter.totalRegistrations + 1
    i = counter.totalRegistrations
    return i

print countUsers()


这仅意味着您使用 Counter.all().get() 运行的查询不是祖先查询。在这种情况下,您应该从事务方法中获取获取计数器的查询,如下所示:

def incrementUsers(counterKey):
    counter = Counter.get(counterKey)
    counter.totalRegistrations = counter.totalRegistrations + 1
    return counter.totalRegistrations

counterKey = Counter.all(keys_only=True).get()

print incrementUsers(counterKey)

这意味着您首先获得对 Counter 的引用,但仅在事务方法中获取和放置该值,从而保证原子性。

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