list - 如何创建一个字典,将字符串映射到给定列表和元组的集合?

标签 list dictionary tuples python

我正在尝试从列表和元组元组创建字典,如下所示。我必须将元组反向映射到列表并创建一组非 None 列名称。


MySQL 表“StateLog”:

Name NY   TX   NJ
Amy  1    None 1
Kat  None 1    1
Leo  None None 1

Python 代码:

## Fetching data from MySQL table
#cursor.execute("select * from statelog")
#mydataset = cursor.fetchall()
## Fetching column names for mapping
#state_cols = [fieldname[0] for fieldname in cursor.description]

state_cols = ['Name', 'NY', 'TX', 'NJ']
mydataset = (('Amy', '1', None, '1'), ('Kat', None, '1', '1'), ('Leo', None, None, '1'))

temp = [zip(state_cols, each) for each in mydataset]

# Looks like I can't do a tuple comprehension for the following snippet : finallist = ((eachone[1], eachone[0]) for each in temp for eachone in each if eachone[1] if eachone[0] == 'Name')
for each in temp:
    for eachone in each:
        if eachone[1]:
            if eachone[0] == 'Name':
                k = eachone[1]
            print k, eachone[0]

print '''How do I get a dictionary in this format'''            
print '''name_state = {"Amy": set(["NY", "NJ"]),
                "Kat": set(["TX", "NJ"]),
                "Leo": set(["NJ"])}'''


Amy Name
Amy NY
Amy NJ
Kat Name
Kat TX
Kat NJ
Leo Name
Leo NJ


name_state = {"Amy": set(["NY", "NJ"]),
              "Kat": set(["TX", "NJ"]),
              "Leo": set(["NJ"])}



mydataset = (
        ('Amy', '1', None, '1'),
        ('Kat', None, '1', '1'),
        ('Leo', None, None, '1')

def states(cols, data):
    This function receives one of the tuples with data and returns a pair
    where the first element is the name from the tuple, and the second
    element is a set with all matched states. Well, at least *I* think
    it is more readable :)
    name = data[0]
    states = set(state for state, value in zip(cols, data) if value == '1')
    return name, states

pairs = (states(state_cols, data) for data in mydataset)
# Since dicts can receive an iterator which yields pairs where the first one
# will become a key and the second one will become the value, I just pass
# a list with all pairs to the dict constructor.
print dict(pairs)


{'Amy': set(['NY', 'NJ']), 'Leo': set(['NJ']), 'Kat': set(['NJ', 'TX'])}

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