python - pygame 中的文本格式为段落?

标签 python text pygame

尝试编写一个 pygame 程序,但我似乎无法弄清楚如何让 pygame 在没有第三方模块的情况下将文本格式化为段落。例如我想要:

"Hello World, how are you doing today? I'm fine actually, thank you."


"Hello World, how are
 you doing today? I'm
fine actually, thank you."


def instructions(text):
    pressKey, pressRect = makeText('Last Block is a survival game. Every ten lines that you clear will shorten the screen, clear as many lines as possible before you run out of space!', smallFont, bgColor) = (int(windowWidth/ 2), int(windowHeight / 2) + 100)
    displaySurf.blit(pressKey, pressRect)
    while press() == None:


def makeText(text, font, color):
    surf = font.render(text, True, color)
    return surf, surf.get_rect()

这样 pygame 就可以将长行文本分成每个包含 x 个单词的部分,并将其格式化为看起来有点像一个段落。现在,我正在使用大量的表面对象和位 block 传输来使其看起来像这样,这似乎很乏味。还有其他方法可以达到这个效果吗?




def render_textrect(string, font, rect, text_color, background_color, justification=0):
    """Returns a surface containing the passed text string, reformatted
    to fit within the given rect, word-wrapping as necessary. The text
    will be anti-aliased.

    Takes the following arguments:

    string - the text you wish to render. \n begins a new line.
    font - a Font object
    rect - a rectstyle giving the size of the surface requested.
    text_color - a three-byte tuple of the rgb value of the
                 text color. ex (0, 0, 0) = BLACK
    background_color - a three-byte tuple of the rgb value of the surface.
    justification - 0 (default) left-justified
                    1 horizontally centered
                    2 right-justified

    Returns the following values:

    Success - a surface object with the text rendered onto it.
    Failure - raises a TextRectException if the text won't fit onto the surface.

抱歉再次发帖 - 错误地点击了社区 wiki。

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