python - 从制表符分隔文件的列表产品中删除重复项并进一步分类

标签 python duplicates classification csv

我有一个制表符分隔的文件,我需要从中提取第 12 列的所有内容(哪些文档类别)。然而,第 12 列内容高度重复,因此首先我需要获取一个仅返回类别数量的列表(通过删除重复)。然后我需要找到一种方法来获取每个类别的行数。我的尝试如下:

def remove_duplicates(l): # define function to remove duplicates
    return list(set(l))

input = sys.argv[1] # command line arguments to open tab file
infile = open(input)
for lines in infile: # split content into lines
    words = lines.split("\t") # split lines into words i.e. columns
    dataB2.append(words[11]) # column 12 contains the desired repetitive categories
    dataB2 = dataA.sort() # sort the categories
    dataB2 = remove_duplicates(dataA) # attempting to remove duplicates but this just returns an infinite list of 0's in the print command

我不知道如何获得每个类别的行数? 所以我的问题是:如何有效消除重复?如何获取每个类别的行数?


我建议使用 python Counter来实现这一点。计数器几乎完全符合您的要求,因此您的代码如下所示:

from collections import Counter
import sys

count = Counter()

# Note that the with open()... syntax is generally preferred.
with open(sys.argv[1]) as infile:
  for lines in infile: # split content into lines
      words = lines.split("\t") # split lines into words i.e. columns

print count

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