python - 导入并读取Python文件夹中的所有文件

标签 python import blender

大家好,我是 python 初学者,我的代码有问题,我想导入并读取特定文件夹中的所有 .BVH 文件,但程序只获取该文件夹中的第一个文件。这是我的代码.我使用 blender 进行可视化。

import bpy # This module gives access to blender data, classes, and functions
import os # This module provides a unified interface to a number of operating system functions.
import sys # This module provides a number of functions and variables that can be used to manipulate different parts of the Python runtime environment.

path = "C:\\Users\\PC\\Desktop\\Rotate Prototype\\filtered"
dir = os.listdir("C:\\Users\\PC\\Desktop\\Rotate Prototype\\filtered")

files = 0
for files in dir:
    if files.lower().endswith('.bvh'):

            bpy.ops.object.delete() # Deletes the cube

            bpy.ops.import_anim.bvh(filepath="C:\\Users\\PC\\Desktop\\Rotate Prototype\\filtered\\pick_001_3_fil_Take_001.bvh", axis_forward='-Z', axis_up='Y', filter_glob="*.bvh", target='ARMATURE', global_scale=1.0, frame_start=1, use_fps_scale=False, update_scene_fps=False, update_scene_duration=False, use_cyclic=False, rotate_mode='NATIVE') # We import a bvh file with the appropriate settings

            bpy.context.scene.render.fps = 72  # We configure the frame rate

            bpy.ops.export_anim.bvh(filepath="C:\\Users\\PC\\Desktop\\Rotate Prototype\\trolled\\haha.bvh", check_existing=True, filter_glob="*.bvh", global_scale=1.0, frame_start=1, frame_end=1515, rotate_mode='XYZ', root_transform_only=True) # We export the file with the appropriate settings

                print ("Couldn't open file")                


您没有在 for 循环中使用实际文件。您每次只是使用相同的硬编码路径。


我将 files 重命名为 file_path 以更好地表示该变量中的内容。然后我在对 import_anim.bvh 的调用中使用该值,然后在对 export_anim.bvh 的调用中再次使用它。 (我在文件名末尾添加了 "_exported.bvh"。我不太确定您要做什么。)

for file_path in dir:
    if file_path.lower().endswith('.bvh'):
            bpy.ops.object.delete() # Deletes the cube

            # We import a bvh file with the appropriate settings
                axis_forward='-Z', axis_up='Y', filter_glob="*.bvh",
                target='ARMATURE', global_scale=1.0, frame_start=1,
                use_fps_scale=False, update_scene_fps=False,
                update_scene_duration=False, use_cyclic=False,

            bpy.context.scene.render.fps = 72  # We configure the frame rate

            # We export the file with the appropriate settings
                filepath=file_path + '_exported.bvh',
                check_existing=True, filter_glob="*.bvh",
                global_scale=1.0, frame_start=1, frame_end=1515,
                rotate_mode='XYZ', root_transform_only=True)

            print ("Couldn't open file")                

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