python - Spyne 故障 - HTTP 返回代码

标签 python http exception spyne

我已阅读有关 Spyne 故障 ( ) 的信息,但无法使用 400 返回代码正确引发故障。我的错误响应已正确形成,但当我需要返回 400 时,HTTP 返回代码为 500。

@srpc(Boolean, _returns=String)
def requestConfiguration(value):
    #if value is true, get all the data
    if value == True:
        #todo - get the config
        return 'True Received'

        # if anything other than True is received, MUST respond with a SOAP fault and HTTP 400
        raise Fault(faultcode="Client.", faultstring="Value must be True")
        # raise error.InvalidInputError("problem", "problem")

阅读一些文档(,我将其解释为FaultCode必须是以Client开头的字符串,它将返回400错误。 (我知道 if-else 很糟糕,我只是想在正确编写代码之前获得概念验证)

我认为我需要对错误进行子类化,而不是仅仅提出它,但我无法理解它。我深入研究代码/protocol/soap/soap11 并发现故障_to_http_reponse_code 只是返回 HTTP 500。




def fault_to_http_response_code(self, fault):
    from spyne.const.http import HTTP_400, HTTP_401, HTTP_404, HTTP_405, HTTP_413, HTTP_500
    from spyne.error import Fault, InternalError, ResourceNotFoundError, RequestTooLongError, RequestNotAllowed, InvalidCredentialsError
    if isinstance(fault, RequestTooLongError):
        return HTTP_413
    if isinstance(fault, ResourceNotFoundError):
        return HTTP_404
    if isinstance(fault, RequestNotAllowed):
        return HTTP_405
    if isinstance(fault, InvalidCredentialsError):
        return HTTP_401
    if isinstance(fault, Fault) and (fault.faultcode.startswith('Client.')
                                            or fault.faultcode == 'Client'):
        return HTTP_400

    return HTTP_500

然后我只是提出一个正常的错误,错误代码以 Client 开头。

raise Fault(faultcode="Client.", faultstring="value must be True)


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