Python-值错误: sign must be an integer with the value 0 or 1

标签 python valueerror

with open("{}.json".format(, "r") as json_file:
    profileData = json.load(json_file)
    data = profileData[]

with open("attacks.json") as json_data:
    items = json.load(json_data)

thing = "soldier"
data[thing + "#"] = "{}".format(int(data[thing + "#"]) - int(soldier))
thing = "sniper"
data[thing + "#"] = "{}".format(int(data[thing + "#"]) - int(sniper))
thing = "demolitionist"
data[thing + "#"] = "{}".format(int(data[thing + "#"]) - int(demolit))
thing = "spy"
data[thing + "#"] = "{}".format(int(data[thing + "#"]) - int(spy))
thing = "armored_vehicle"
data[thing + "#"] = "{}".format(int(data[thing + "#"]) - int(armored_vehicle))
thing = "tank"
data[thing + "#"] = "{}".format(int(data[thing + "#"]) - int(tank))

random_percent_j = ["1.1", "1.25", "1.4"]
data["balance"] = "{}".format(int(data["balance"]) + int(items["1"]["deploy_cost"]) * int(soldier) * random.choice(Decimal(random_percent_j)))

这就是我得到的结果,我以前从未见过这种类型的错误。其中一些是 JSON,因此代码如下:

  File "", line 220, in attack
data["balance"] = "{}".format(int(data["balance"]) + int(items["1"]["deploy_cost"]) * int(soldier) * random.choice(Decimal(random_percent_j)))
ValueError: sign must be an integer with the value 0 or 1


您将在最后一行代码中使用列表 (random_percent_j) 实例化一个 Decimal 对象。应该是:




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