python - 为什么这种并行搜索和替换没有使用 100% 的 CPU?

标签 python regex python-3.x multiprocessing joblib

我有一个很长的推文列表(200 万条),我使用正则表达式来搜索和替换这些推文中的文本。

我使用 joblib.Parallel map 运行它(joblib 是 scikit-learn 使用的并行后端)。

我的问题是,我可以在 Windows 的任务管理器中看到我的脚本没有使用 100% 的每个 CPU。它不会使用 100% 的 RAM 或磁盘。所以我不明白为什么它不会走得更快。



# file
import re
from joblib import delayed, Parallel

def make_tweets():
    tweets = load_from_file()  # this is list of strings

    regex = re.compile(r'a *a|b *b')  # of course more complex IRL, with lookbehind/forward
    mydict = {'aa': 'A', 'bb': 'B'}  

    def handler(match):
        return mydict[match[0].replace(' ', '')]

    def replace_in(tweet)
        return re.sub(regex, handler, tweet)

    # -1 mean all cores
    # I have 6 cores that can run 12 threads
    with Parallel(n_jobs=-1) as parallel:
        tweets2 = parallel(delayed(replace_in)(tweet) for tweet in tweets)

    return tweets2


task manager



答案是,工作进程因 joblib 同步而减慢:joblib 将推文以小块的形式(一条一条?)发送给工作进程,这让它们等待。使用 和 block 大小 len(tweets)/cpu_count() 使工作线程利用 100% 的 CPU。

使用joblib,运行时间约为1200万。如果使用多处理,则为 400 万。使用多处理,每个工作线程消耗大约 50mb 内存。


玩了一段时间后,我认为这是因为 joblib 花费了所有时间来协调所有内容的并行运行,而没有时间实际做任何有用的工作。至少对于 OSX 和 Linux 下的我来说 — 我没有任何 MS Windows 机器


from random import choice
import re

from multiprocessing import Pool
from joblib import delayed, Parallel

regex = re.compile(r'a *a|b *b')  # of course more complex IRL, with lookbehind/forward
mydict = {'aa': 'A', 'bb': 'B'}  

def handler(match):
    return mydict[match[0].replace(' ', '')]

def replace_in(tweet):
    return re.sub(regex, handler, tweet)

examples = [
    "Regex replace isn't that computationally expensive... I would suggest using Pandas, though, rather than just a plain loop",
    "Hmm I don't use pandas anywhere else, but if it makes it faster, I'll try! Thanks for the suggestion. Regarding the question: expensive or not, if there is no reason for it to use only 19%, it should use 100%"
    "Well, is tweets a generator, or an actual list?",
    "an actual list of strings",
    "That might be causing the main process to have the 419MB of memory, however, that doesn't mean that list will be copied over to the other processes, which only need to work over slices of the list",
    "I think joblib splits the list in roughly equal chunks and sends these chunks to the worker processes.",
    "Maybe, but if you use something like this code, 2 million lines should be done in less than a minute (assuming an SSD, and reasonable memory speeds).",
    "My point is that you don't need the whole file in memory. You could type tweets.txt | python > tweets_replaced.txt, and use the OS's native speeds to replace data line-by-line",
    "I will try this",
    "no, this is actually slower. My code takes 12mn using joblib.parallel and for line in f_in: f_out.write(re.sub(..., line)) takes 21mn. Concerning CPU and memory usage: CPU is same (17%) and memory much lower (60Mb) using files. But I want to minimize time spent, not memory usage.",
    "I moved this to chat because StackOverflow suggested it",
    "I don't have experience with joblib. Could you try the same with Pandas?…",

with open('tweets.txt', 'w') as fd:
    for i in range(2_000_000):
        print(choice(examples), file=fd)



with open('tweets.txt') as fin, open('tweets2.txt', 'w') as fout:
    for l in fin:

在我的 OSX 笔记本电脑上这需要 14.0 秒(挂钟时间),在我的 Linux 桌面上需要 5.15 秒。请注意,更改 replace_in 的定义以使用 do regex.sub(handler, tweet) 而不是 re.sub(regex, handler, tweet) 在我的笔记本电脑上将上述时间减少到 8.6 秒,但我不会在下面使用此更改。

然后我尝试了你的 joblib 包:

with open('tweets.txt') as fin, open('tweets2.txt', 'w') as fout:
    with Parallel(n_jobs=-1) as parallel:
        for l in parallel(delayed(replace_in)(tweet) for tweet in fin):

在我的笔记本电脑上需要 1 分 16 秒,在我的台式机上需要 34.2 秒。 CPU 利用率非常低,因为子/工作任务大部分时间都在等待协调器向它们发送工作。


with open('tweets.txt') as fin, open('tweets2.txt', 'w') as fout:
    with Pool() as pool:
        for l in, fin, chunksize=1024):

在我的笔记本电脑上花费了 5.95 秒,在台式机上花费了 2.60 秒。我还尝试了 block 大小为 8 的情况,分别花费了 22.1 秒和 8.29 秒。 block 大小允许池将大量工作发送给其子级,因此它可以花费更少的时间进行协调,并花更多的时间来完成有用的工作。

因此,我大胆猜测 joblib 对于这种用法并不是特别有用,因为它 doesn't seem to have a notion of chunksize .

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