python - 在 Python 中用 NaN 替换一列中的多个字符

标签 python regex pandas dataframe replace

我想替换 strings 列中的位置词:如果它们单独存在或存在多个,但用 space 连接.

    id                         strings
0    1                           south
1    2                           north
2    3                            east
3    4                            west
4    5               west, east, south
5    6                      west, west
6    7                    north, north
7    8                    north, south
8    9  West Corporation global office
9   10                     West-Riding
10  11      University of West Florida
11  12                       Southwest



    id                         strings
0    1                             NaN
1    2                             NaN
2    3                             NaN
3    4                             NaN
4    5                             NaN
5    6                             NaN
6    7                             NaN
7    8                             NaN
8    9  West Corporation global office
9   10                     West-Riding
10  11      University of West Florida
11  12                       Southwest


df['strings'].astype(str).replace('south', np.nan).replace('north', np.nan)\
.replace('west', np.nan).replace('east', np.nan).replace('west, east', np.nan)\
.replace('west, west', np.nan).replace('north, north', np.nan).replace('west, east', np.nan)\
.replace('north, south', np.nan)


首次使用Series.str.split ,前向填充替换缺失值,测试是否所有匹配值均按DataFrame.isinDataFrame.all对于掩码和最后设置的缺失值 Series.mask :

L = ['south','north','east','west']
m = df['strings'].str.split(', ', expand=True).ffill(axis=1).isin(L).all(axis=1)

df['strings'] = df['strings'].mask(m)
print (df)
    id                         strings
0    1                             NaN
1    2                             NaN
2    3                             NaN
3    4                             NaN
4    5                             NaN
5    6                             NaN
6    7                             NaN
7    8                             NaN
8    9  West Corporation global office
9   10                     West-Riding
10  11      University of West Florida
11  12                       Southwest

另一个关于set的想法,isdisjointSeries.where :

m = [set(x.split(', ')).isdisjoint(L) for x in df['strings']]
df['strings'] = df['strings'].where(m)
print (df)
    id                         strings
0    1                             NaN
1    2                             NaN
2    3                             NaN
3    4                             NaN
4    5                             NaN
5    6                             NaN
6    7                             NaN
7    8                             NaN
8    9  West Corporation global office
9   10                     West-Riding
10  11      University of West Florida
11  12                       Southwest

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