c - 工作负载分配公式中字符 's' 代表什么

标签 c function


For any distribution, if a is the total time required by the 1st TA, b is the total time required by the second TA and c is the total time required by the 3rd TA, minimize z = abs(a-b)+abs(b-c)+abs(c-a).

Input The first input is N, the number of test cases. Each test case has 1st input as Q, the number of questions. Then exactly Q numbers (space separated) in 1 line, each denoting the time required for every question. Output For every test case, one number in a line, z, the minimum value which is possible.




abs() 不是 a*b*s。这是C library function计算 absolute value一个整数。

它的原型(prototype)位于 stdlib.h 中。

关于c - 工作负载分配公式中字符 's' 代表什么,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29071225/


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