c - C 语言中 else 没有前面的 if

标签 c if-statement

我知道 else 语句不应在 if 语句末尾有分号。

目标是使这个 if/else 语句起作用,以便如果答案不是 Y 或 y,则打印 else 语句。我的问题是:

  • 到底需要做什么来纠正这个问题?


if (answer=='Y'|| 'y')
scanf(" c", &answer);
printf("\n Great! Keep listening to music. I'm sure your mood will improve.");
else printf("\n Try listening to some music that you enjoy!");


The objective is to make this if/else statement work,


scanf(" %c", &answer);
 if (answer=='Y'|| answer == 'y') {
     printf("\nGreat! Keep listening to music. I'm sure your mood will improve.\n");
 else {
     printf("\nTry listening to some music that you enjoy!\n");

关于c - C 语言中 else 没有前面的 if,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42048183/


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