c++ - 一次发送一些字节

标签 c++ c

我正在尝试找出从字符串 ech time 发送一定量文本的方法,直到到达字符串末尾,例如:

const char* the_string = "你好,世界,我很高兴认识你们大家。让我们成为 friend ,或者更多,但同样如此"

输出: Hello World


输出:成为 friend 或者更多




请帮助我,我会接受 C 或 C++ 方式,只要它有效并且解释得很好。



使用 C++ 和模板,通过套接字发送任意数据(出于本代码示例的目的,我将使用 WinSock) 相当简单。


template <typename T>
int                 SendData( const T& tDataBuffer, SOCKET sSock ) 
    // Make sure the class is trivially copyable:
    static_assert( std::is_pod<T>::value && !std::is_pointer<T>::value, "The object type must be trivially copyable" );

    char* chPtr = (char*)(&tDataBuffer);

    unsigned int iSent = 0;
    for( unsigned int iRemaining = sizeof(T); iRemaining > 0; iRemaining -= iSent )
        iSent = send( sSock, chPtr, iRemaining, 0 );
        chPtr += iSent;

        if( iSent <= 0 )
            return iSent;

    return 1;


template <typename T>
int                 SendData( T* const &ptObj, unsigned int iSize, SOCKET sSock )
    // Make sure the class is trivially copyable:
    static_assert( std::is_pod<T>::value, "The object type must be trivially copyable" );

    char* chPtr = (char*)ptObj;

    unsigned int iSent = 0;
    for( unsigned int iRemaining = iSize; iRemaining > 0; iRemaining -= iSent )
        iSent = send( sSock, chPtr, iRemaining, 0 );
        chPtr += iSent;

        if( iSent <= 0 )
            return iSent;

    return 1;

std::string 的专门化:

template <>
int                 SendData( const std::string& szString, SOCKET sSock )
    // Send the size first:
    int iResult = SendData( static_cast<unsigned int>(szString.length()) * sizeof(char) + sizeof('\0'), sSock );

    if( iResult <= 0 )
        return iResult;

    iResult = SendData(szString.c_str(), static_cast<unsigned int>(szString.length()) * sizeof(char) + sizeof('\0'), sSock);
    return iResult;


std::string szSample = "hello world, i'm happy to meet you all. Let be friends or maybe more, but nothing less";

// Note that this assumes that sSock has already been initialized and your connection has been established:
SendData( szSample, sSock );


关于c++ - 一次发送一些字节,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10972580/


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