c - 再次自动运行 C 代码

标签 c

如果最初输入的值小于 0 或大于 23,我希望用户能够立即重新输入另一个值。目前,我的代码输出“请重新输入小于 24 的值”并停止。然后必须再次运行它,然后用户才能重新输入另一个值。

    printf ("What is the height of the half-pyramids?\n");
        int height = get_int();
        if (height>23)
            printf("please re-enter a value less than 24\n");
        else if (height<0)
            printf("please re-enter a value more than 0\n");
            printf("%i", height);




while(1) {
    printf ("What is the height of the half-pyramids?\n");
    int height = get_int();
    if (height>23)
        printf("please re-enter a value less than 24\n");
    else if (height<0)
        printf("please re-enter a value more than 0\n");
        printf("%d\n", height);
        break; // stop stop looping

顺便说一句,使用 %d 打印整数更为惯用,而不是 %i。请参阅What is the difference between conversion specifiers %i and %d in formatted IO functions (*printf / *scanf)

关于c - 再次自动运行 C 代码,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46349935/


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