c - 为什么复制后数组指针不指向数组的开头

标签 c arrays pointers

我尝试将 psamples2 数组指针传递给函数,但它不断传递垃圾(结束数组?) 另外为什么 cpointer 保留迭代值而不是数组的开头?
我的问题是为什么 psamples2 没有指向数组的开头。

#   define kiss_fft_scalar float
float samples[2048]  = {0};
float* psamples = samples;
float* psamples2 =  samples;
int offset = 0;
while (!_exitThread) { // some where in the code its false

     short* target = psamples + offset;;
        float *src = offset; //just  numbers 
        *target = *src;
         // Now the psamples and the psamples2 pointers are updated with pointing to the element  
           //in the array and not to the beginning why ?

     _exitThread = true;

 kiss_fftr( (kiss_fft_scalar*)psamples );

// ---------------------- This is function in some module in the app here is just the signature -----

// this is the C function that getting the kiss_fft_scalar *timedata that revived as garbage
void kiss_fftr( const kiss_fft_scalar *timedata )
  // the result of *timedata is 8.52120011e-038 as i understand is should be the pointer to the array 





其次,您将指针类型从 float* 切换为 short* 并通过添加 offset 来混淆情况,并且不清楚编译器是否将添加 offset * sizeof(float)offset * sizeof(short)

short* target = psamples + offset;;

第三,尽管您提示它,但您没有显示您在哪里使用psamples2。第四,在使用 int 值设置它指向的 float 之前,您还没有初始化 src

float *src = offset;


关于c - 为什么复制后数组指针不指向数组的开头,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27378878/


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