c - 如何在 C 中获取输入参数并使其返回 float

标签 c int

我有一项作业,我必须编写自己的 C 代码,该代码接受一个输入参数并给出一个 float 作为输出。目前我正致力于实现这一目标。我尝试了很多不同的方法来谷歌搜索,但一无所获。



#include <stdio.h>
int LowWatts(int burritos);
int MediumWatts(int burritos);
int HighWatts(int burritos);
int main ()

int burritos, menuSelect;
float Results;
burritos = (double)1; 

while (burritos > 0)
 printf ("Enter the amount of burritos you wish to cook \n: ");
 scanf("%d", &burritos);
 printf("%d\n", burritos);

 if (burritos > 0)
 printf ("Enter 1 1100W, 2 to 1200W, 3 1250W microwave \n: ");
 scanf("%d", &menuSelect);
 printf("%d\n", menuSelect);
 if (menuSelect == 1)
 Results = LowWatts(burritos);
 printf("For %d burrito(s) %.2f minutes is recomended for "
 "1100W microwave\n", burritos, Results);
 else if (menuSelect == 2)
 Results = MediumWatts(burritos);
 printf("For %d burrito(s) %.2f minutes is recomended for "
 "1200W microwave\n", burritos, Results);
  else if (menuSelect == 3)
 Results = HighWatts(burritos);
 printf("For %d burrito(s) %.2f minutes is recomended for "
 "1250W microwave\n", burritos, Results);
 printf("\nInvalid selection, please choose 1, 2, or 3 \n");
return 0;
int LowWatts(int burritos)
 return (double)(burritos*1.10);

int MediumWatts(int burritos)
 return burritos*1.00;

int HighWatts(int burritos)
 return burritos*0.55;


您的函数都设置为 int 返回类型,因此无论您在 中进行何种类型的转换,它们都只会返回 int >返回语句。


关于c - 如何在 C 中获取输入参数并使其返回 float ,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43669538/


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