c - C 程序中枚举的使用

标签 c enums


void main()
   enum a{a,b ,MAX};



输出为 2,因为 MAX 为 2。枚举用于为常量创建名称。在 C 中,如果没有显式指定枚举中的某个项目的值,则如果它是第一项,则该值为 0;对于后续项目,该值为 0。因此,在本例中:a 为 0,b 为 1,MAX 为 2。

仅供引用:枚举就像一堆#define,只不过值不需要是常量。请参阅the entry on enumerations in the GNU C manual ,假设您使用 GNU C。

就分配给标识符的值而言,C99 标准有这样的规定( 节):

The identifiers in an enumerator list are declared as constants that have type int and may appear wherever such are permitted. An enumerator with = defines its enumeration constant as the value of the constant expression. If the first enumerator has no =, the value of its enumeration constant is 0. Each subsequent enumerator with no = defines its enumeration constant as the value of the constant expression obtained by adding 1 to the value of the previous enumeration constant. The use of enumerators with = may produce enumeration constants with values that duplicate other values in the same enumeration.

关于c - C 程序中枚举的使用,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5740042/


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