c++ - 调试 C 程序的断言错误

标签 c++ c pointers project



这是实际的编程问题。这是 3 号



#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

#define numItems     8
#define numSalesP   10

// the product prices 
float prices  [numItems] = {345.0,  853.0, 471.0, 933.0, 721.0, 663.0, 507.0, 259.00};

// the product numbers
int   prodNum [numItems] = {7,      8,     9,     10,    11,    12,    13,    14};

// the salespersons IDs
int   salesP  [numSalesP] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};

// the output file pointers
FILE * filePtrs[numSalesP];

// sales totals for every salespersons
float totals  [numSalesP];

//get the product index from the prodNum array
int getProdIndex (int product) {
    int i;
    for (i=0; i< numItems; i++) {
        if (prodNum[i] == product) {
            return i;
    return -1;

// get a product price from the product index
float getProdPrice (int prodIndex) {
    return prices[prodIndex];

// open a salesperson output file
void openSalesPFiles () {
    int i;
    char fileName[16];;

    for (i=0; i<numSalesP; i++) {
        sprintf(fileName, "salespers%d.dat", i+1);
//DEBUG         cout << fileName << endl;
        filePtrs[i] = fopen(fileName, "r");

// close Salespersons files
void closeSalesPFiles () {
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<numSalesP; i++) {

// get sales person index from its ID
int getSalesPIndex (int salesPerson) {
    int i;
    for (i=0; i< numSalesP; i++) {
        if (salesP[i] == salesPerson) {
            return i;
    return -1;

int main () {
    int i;                  // generic counter
    FILE * salesFile;       // the input file with all sales
    int salesPId;           // salesperson ID
    int salesPIndex;        // salesperson index in array
    int prodId;             // product ID
    int pIndex;             // product index in array
    int qty;                // quantity
    float total;            // total for one sale

    // open all salespersons output files

    // open the input file
    salesFile = fopen("sales.dat", "r");

    // read all record in the input file
    while (!feof(salesFile)) {

        fscanf(salesFile, "%d %d %d", &salesPId, &prodId, &qty);
//DEBUG        cout << salesPId << " --- " << prodId << " --- " << qty << endl;

        // validate sales person
        salesPIndex = getSalesPIndex (salesPId);
        if (salesPIndex < 0) {
            cout << "Invalid Sales person ID " << salesPId << endl;

//DEBUG        cout << "Salesperson index : " << salesPIndex << endl;

        // validate product id
        pIndex = getProdIndex (prodId);
        if (pIndex < 0) {
            cout << "invalid product id : " << prodId << endl;
            fprintf(filePtrs[salesPIndex], "Invalid Product ID %d\n", prodId);
        else {
            // compute the sale total
            total = qty * prices[pIndex];
//DEBUG            cout << "total : " << total << endl;;

            // add it to the totals for this salesperson
            totals[salesPIndex] += (qty * prices[pIndex]);

            // write the sale to the salesperson file
            fprintf(filePtrs[salesPIndex], "%d %d %2.2f\n", prodId, qty, total);

    // print totals in salespersons files
    for (i=0; i< numSalesP; i++) {
        fprintf(filePtrs[i], "Total Sales : %8.2f\n", totals[i]);

    // close all files




断言来自名为feoferr.c的文件。这表明它与 feof 函数有关。该断言表示它期望 stream != NULL。断言失败,因此 stream 显然是一个空指针。由于 feof 采用文件流参数,因此可以安全地猜测断言消息提到的流就是文件流参数。您可以这样调用 feof:

// open the input file
salesFile = fopen("sales.dat", "r");

// read all record in the input file
while (!feof(salesFile)) {

所以也许 salesFile 是一个空指针。如您所知,当 fopen 无法打开文件时可能会发生这种情况。也许该文件不存在,或者您没有读取它的权限。


下次遇到错误时,请使用您面前的工具。你有一个调试器,当程序像这样失败时,它应该中断你的程序。它可以将您带到失败的行或最接近它的行。这应该会提示您,在您调用 fopen 后不久,问题就出现在某个地方。在那里开始调查。



关于c++ - 调试 C 程序的断言错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9526240/


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