c++ - 如何在程序中查找数据段和代码段范围

标签 c++ c windows

我的老师要求我在 Windows 系统上执行此任务。 您能帮我通过程序找到一些数据段和代码段的地址范围吗?


这些 Windows API 可以帮助您。

//store the base address the loaded Module
dllImageBase = (char*)hModule; //suppose hModule is the handle to the loaded Module (.exe or .dll)

//get the address of NT Header
IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *pNtHdr = ImageNtHeader(hModule);

//after Nt headers comes the table of section, so get the addess of section table

ImageSectionInfo *pSectionInfo = NULL;

//iterate through the list of all sections, and check the section name in the if conditon. etc
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pNtHdr->FileHeader.NumberOfSections ; i++ )
     char *name = (char*) pSectionHdr->Name;
     if ( memcmp(name, ".data", 5) == 0 )
          pSectionInfo = new ImageSectionInfo(".data");
          pSectionInfo->SectionAddress = dllImageBase + pSectionHdr->VirtualAddress;

          **//range of the data segment - something you're looking for**
          pSectionInfo->SectionSize = pSectionHdr->Misc.VirtualSize;

将 ImageSectionInfo 定义为,

struct ImageSectionInfo
      char SectionName[IMAGE_SIZEOF_SHORT_NAME];//the macro is defined WinNT.h
      char *SectionAddress;
      int SectionSize;
      ImageSectionInfo(const char* name)
            strcpy(SectioName, name); 

阅读纳瓦兹的 answer .

关于c++ - 如何在程序中查找数据段和代码段范围,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22588151/


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