c - 为什么我的开关盒不工作?/如何修复这些构建错误?

标签 c build enums switch-statement


#include <reg167.h>
#define SensorsActive P2 & 0x0010 == 0x0010 || P2 & 0x0020 == 0x0020

/* Main program - Automatic doors */

int main(void)
    DP2 = 0x0003;
    /* sets bits 0,1 as outputs and the rest as inputs */ 
    ODP2 = 0x0000;
    /* selects output push/pull driver */
    enum {closed, opening, open, closing} state;
    /* define FSM states */
    state = 1;
    /* set starting state as door closed */

    for (;;) {
        switch (state) {
        case closed: /* Door closed */
            if (SensorsActive) {
            /* If motion sensors are activated switch to opening state */
                state = opening;                                        
        case opening: /* Door opening */
            P2 = P2 & ~0x0001;
            /* Sets direction bit to clockwise (opening) */
            P2 |= 0x0002;    /* Turns on motor control bit */
            if(P2&0x0004==0x0004)//door open limit switches triggered switch to open
                state = open;
        case open: /* Door open */
            while (T3OTL != 1) ;
            if(SensorsActive) {
            /* If sensors are active break so that open case will be repeated and timer reset... */                                                         /* ...Else switch state to closing */
            else state = closing;
        case closing: /* Door closing */
            P2 |= 0x0001;// Sets direction bit to counterclockwise (closing) 
            P2 |= 0x0002;/* Turns on motor control bit */
            if(SensorsActive)/* If sensors are active start opening doors */ 
                state = opening;
            if(P2 & 0x0008 == 0x0008) {
            //If closed limit switches are reached switch state to closed
                    state = closed;


构建目标“目标 1”


main.c(10): 错误 C25: 'enum' 附近的语法错误

main.c(11): 错误 C53: 重新定义“状态”

main.c(13): 错误 C25: 'while' 附近的语法错误

main.c(13): 错误 C25: '1' 附近的语法错误

main.c(16): 错误 C103: 'state': 非法函数定义(缺少 ';' ?)



看来您正在 C89 模式下进行编译,在该模式下您不能在任何地方进行变量声明(它是在 C99 标准中添加的)。将 state 声明移至函数顶部。

或者,告诉编译器使用 C99 规则。对于 GCC,这可以通过在命令行中添加 -std=c99 选项来完成。



void main(void) {
    DP2 = 0x0003;  /* Assignment, okay */
    ODP2 = 0x0000; /* Another assignment, okay */
    enum {closed, opening, open, closing} state;  /* Variable declaration, NOT okay */
    state = 1; /* Assignment, okay */



void main(void) {
    enum {closed, opening, open, closing} state;  /* Variable declaration, okay here */

    DP2 = 0x0003;  /* Assignment, okay */
    ODP2 = 0x0000; /* Another assignment, okay */
    state = 1; /* Assignment, okay */


关于c - 为什么我的开关盒不工作?/如何修复这些构建错误?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32425499/


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