c - 编译简单链表程序时出现未声明节点错误

标签 c data-structures linked-list structure


#include <stdio.h>

void main()
     struct Node      //defining a node
          int data;             //defining the data member
          struct Node *next;    //defining a pointer to Node type variable

      struct Node *head;        //declaring a pointer variable 'head' to a Node type variable.   
      head=NULL;                //Since the head pointer now points nothing,so initialised with NULL.

      struct Node* temp = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));//creating a node and storing its adrs in pointer 'temp'
     (*temp).data=2;          //node's data part is initialised.
     (*temp).next= NULL;    //the node points to nothing initially
     head=temp;             //head is initialised with address of the node,so now it points to the node 




struct Node* temp = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));


 struct Node* temp = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));

因为结构标记与通常的标识符位于不同的命名空间中。因此需要使用 struct 关键字来指定这一点。阅读 this

此外还包括<stdlib.h>否则您将收到一条警告,表明您正在隐式声明 malloc。

关于c - 编译简单链表程序时出现未声明节点错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32548061/


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