将 float 转换为 sprintf

标签 c

我正在尝试使用 sprintf 将 float 转换为字符字符串,如下所示

         float temperature = getTemperature();

         char array[15];
         sprintf(array, "temperature %f", temperature);

         int length = strlen(array);
         protocol_WriteMessage(length,(unsigned char*)&array);

但是protocol_WriteMessage接受unsigned char *,所以我强制转换它,但是程序崩溃了。

void protocol_WriteMessage( UINT16 wLen, UINT8 *pbData )
    UINT16 crc_calc;

    // Calculate transmitt CRC16
    crc_calc = calc_crc16(&pbData[COMM_POS_COMMAND1], wLen-COMM_POS_COMMAND1);

    comm_states.TxActive    = true;          // signal that the Tx_UART is working

    // write data without further checks
    hal_uart_WriteBuffer( wLen, pbData );


首先使用更安全的替代方案,例如 snprintf() ,然后从调用中删除运算符的 & 地址。


int result;
char array[32]; // This should be big enough

result = snprintf(array, sizeof(array), "temperature %f", temperature);
if ((result == -1) || (result >= sizeof(array))) {
    // It means that array is too small, or some other error
    // occurred such that `snprintf' has returned -1

protocol_WriteMessage(length, (unsigned char *) array);

由于数组已经是指向其自身第一个元素的指针,该元素的类型为 char ,因此当像指针一样传递时,它的类型为 char * ,使用& 运算符显然是错误的,并且强制转换只会隐藏您犯了错误的事实。

关于将 float 转换为 sprintf,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40110590/


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