c - C 结构体中灵活的结构体数组

标签 c

正如标题中所写,我可能对结构中的灵活数组有疑问。 我只是想将指针从常量菜单移动到另一个菜单。我想从当前菜单中提取一些数据并将其发送出去:

    static void DoMainMenuAction(void);

    /* Type */
    typedef enum _LCD_ItemType

    /* Menu Item */
    typedef struct _LCD_MenuItem
        char*           Name;
        e_LCD_ItemType  Type;

    /* Menu structure */
    typedef struct _NAV_Menu
        const char*             Header;     /* Title */
        const uint8_t           NbItems;    /* Number of choices in the menu */
        void (*callbackFnct)(void);         /* Selected item function */
        const s_LCD_MenuItem*   Items[];    /* Menu array of Items */
    } s_NAV_Menu; 

    /* Main Menu */
    static const s_LCD_MenuItem NAV_MainMenuItems[] = {
        { "<< Back",            E_LCD_ITEM_TYPE_ACTION      },
        { "General Settings",   E_LCD_ITEM_TYPE_EXPANDABLE  },
        { "About",              E_LCD_ITEM_TYPE_ACTION      }
    static const s_NAV_Menu NAV_MainMenu = {

    /* Pointer of current menu */
    static s_NAV_Menu* pCurrentMenu;

    static void NAV_LcdDisplay()
        uint8_t indexItem = 0;

        /* Move to the Main Menu */             
        pCurrentMenu = (s_NAV_Menu*)&NAV_MainMenu;

        s_LCD_MenuItem NAV_LCD_MenuItems[pCurrentMenu->NbItems];

        for ( indexItem = 0; indexItem < pCurrentMenu->NbItems; indexItem++ )
            NAV_LCD_MenuItems[indexItem].Name = pCurrentMenu->Items[indexItem]->Name;
            NAV_LCD_MenuItems[indexItem].Type = pCurrentMenu->Items[indexItem]->Type;       


我的问题出现在 FOR 循环的第二次迭代期间:

第一个循环,我得到: 1st iteration




/* Menu structure */
typedef struct _NAV_Menu
    const char*             Header;     /* Title */
    const uint8_t           NbItems;    /* Number of choices in the menu */
    void (*callbackFnct)(void);         /* Selected item function */
    const s_LCD_MenuItem*   Items[];    /* Menu array of Items */
} s_NAV_Menu; 

Itemss_LCD_MenuItem 类型的指针数组。

也许您想要指向 s_LCD_MenuItem 类型数组的指针。

typedef struct _NAV_Menu
    const char*             Header;     /* Title */
    const uint8_t           NbItems;    /* Number of choices in the menu */
    void (*callbackFnct)(void);         /* Selected item function */
    const s_LCD_MenuItem*   Items;    /* Menu array of Items */
} s_NAV_Menu; 

关于c - C 结构体中灵活的结构体数组,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59282432/


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