c - printf ("%s",数组);不打印任何内容

标签 c arrays printf character

您能否解释一下为什么数组会“反转”,特别是在我粗体文本的地方?以下是打印的内容(输入“hi There”):“THE LINE (hi There) IN REVERSE:”。

此外,for 循环中的 print 语句在最终迭代中将其打印为“反转数组:?ereht ih-”。


int reverseit(int length, char line[]); // Function declaration 
#define MAXLENGTH 1000

int main()
        int length = 0;
        char line[MAXLENGTH];       // array declaration
        gettheline(length, line); 

void gettheline(int length, char line[])    
    int i, c = 0;
    while((c=getchar())!= (EOF))
            if (c!='\n')            // we'll put the newline character in place ourselves when print in reverse is complete
                    line[i] = c;    // until you see \n, keep setting each char to line[i]
                    printf("line[%d]=%c\n", i, line[i]);
                    i++;            // increment i
                    length = i;
            else if(i>0)            // else if c is == \n and i>0 , reverse it, and put \n at the end
                                    // store reverse of the line and stick \n at the end
                    reverseit(length, line);

int reverseit(int length, char line[])  // pass in "length" from getline
        int i, j = 0;
        char a;
        char reversed[length];
        for (i=length;i>-1;i--)         //count down from length to 0
                reversed[i] = line[j++]; 
                printf("line[%d] = reversed[%d] = %c\n", i, j, line[i]);
                printf("reversed array: %s", reversed);
            **printf("THE LINE (%s) IN REVERSE: %s", line, reversed);**


您可能想得太多了,您可能想从 main 调用字符串反转,而不是在 getttheline 中调用以生成原始的 line 可返回到 main 中,而不是作为 getttheline 中的 transient 输入位。这取决于你。

您的 getttheline 函数实际上只需要从 stdin< 读取一行(以 '\n'EOF 终止)/。您已经传递了length,为什么不传递地址length(例如&length,并设置参数 int *) 以使字符串的最终长度在调用函数中可用(此处为 main)。例如,从 stdin 读取一行输入所需的就是:

void gettheline(int *length, char *line)    
    int c = 0;
    *length = 0;

    while (*length + 1 < MAXLENGTH && (c=getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF)
        line[(*length)++] = c;
    line[*length] = 0;        /* nul-terminate */


上面您使用存储在 length 指向的地址处的值作为计数器来验证您在 行中存储的字符数不超过 MAXLENGTH - 1 个字符 (为 nul 终止 字符保留空间)。您只需使用 gethar() 读取每个字符,直到遇到 '\n'EOF,此时结束读取循环并肯定地在length个字符处nul-terminate(因为您将line初始化为所有,所以它已经完成了,但是始终肯定地终止您的字符串是一种很好的做法。

至于你的反转,你所需要的只是一个指向 linestartend 指针(你拥有它length),那么您可以通过交换从两端开始并向中间移动的字符,非常有效地就地反转字符串——例如每次迭代交换 2 个字符,

/** strreverse - reverse string given by begin and end pointers.
 *  Takes valid string and swaps src & dest each iteration.
 *  The original string is not preserved.
 *  If str is not valid, no action taken.
void strreverse (char *begin, char *end)
    char tmp;

    if (!begin || !end) {  /* validate both begin and end pointers */
        printf ("error: invalid begin or end pointer\n");

    while (end > begin)
        tmp = *end;
        *end-- = *begin;
        *begin++ = tmp;

将所有部分放在一个简短的 main 中,输出 line 及其反转,您可以执行如下操作:

#include <stdio.h>

void gettheline (int *length, char *line);
void strreverse (char *begin, char *end);

#define MAXLENGTH 1000

int main (void)
        int length = 0;
        char line[MAXLENGTH] = "";  /* declare & initialize to zeros */

        gettheline (&length, line); 

        if (length) {
            printf ("line: %s  (%d chars)\n", line, length);
            strreverse (line, line + length -1);
            printf (" rev: %s\n", line);
            fprintf (stderr, "error: line length is zero.\n");

        return 0;


$ echo "my dog has fleas" | ./bin/strrevgetchar
line: my dog has fleas  (16 chars)
 rev: saelf sah god ym


关于c - printf ("%s",数组);不打印任何内容,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43336030/


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