ios - 如果不使用 CoreAnimation 如何避免 "CoreAnimation warning deleted thread with uncommitted CATransaction"

标签 ios objective-c multithreading ios6


 - (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application
              // begins Asynchronous download data (1 second):
               [wsDataComponents updatePreparedData:NO];

               NSThread* downloadThread = [[NSThread alloc] 
                        selector: @selector (waitingFirstConnection) 
               [downloadThread start];



    while (waitingFirstDownload) {
      // Do nothing ...  Waiting a asynchronous download, Observers tell me when
      // finish first donwload

    // begins Synchronous download, and save data (20 secons)
    [wsDataComponents updatePreparedData:YES];

    // Maybe is this the problem ?? I change a label in main view controller 
    [menuViewController.labelBadgeVideo setText:@"123 videos"];

    // Nothig else, finish and this thread is destroyed


CoreAnimation: warning, deleted thread with uncommitted CATransaction;


在非主线程上使用 UIKit UI API 时最常出现此错误。您不必直接使用 Core Animation 就可以看到这一点。所有 UIView 都由 Core Animation 层支持,因此无论您是否直接与之交互,Core Animation 都在使用中。

您的问题中没有足够的代码来确定确切的问题,但您正在使用多线程这一事实表明您的问题与我所描述的一样。您是否在下载完成和/或数据保存后更新您的用户界面?如果是这样,您需要将 UI 更新移回主线程/队列。如果您使用 GCD 而不是 NSThread,这会更容易:

// download is finished, save data
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
    // Update UI here, on the main queue

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