c - 有关 C 编程语言 (K&R) 的问题 - 练习 1-13

标签 c arrays


我的 C 编程语言 (K&R) 练习 1-13 的解决方案代码中有 6 个问题。任务是编写一个程序来打印单词长度的直方图。如图所示。



int main ()

int c, i, nc, state;
int len;                      /* length of each bar           */
int maxvalue;                 /* maximum value for wl[]       */
int ovflow;                   /* number of overflow words     */
int wl[MAXWORD];              /* word length counters. Defining an int array with 11 character variables. This is the same as saying int wl[11]           */

state = OUT;
nc = 0;                       /* number of chars in a word    */
ovflow = 0;                   /* number of words              */
  1. 下面这个 for 循环的目的是什么?它会初始化数组吗?
    for (i = 0; i < MAXWORD; ++i)
      wl[i] = 0;

while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) //get a character
  if (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t') // if c is a blank, new line or tab
      state = OUT;  // we are outside a word. 
  • 下面,我们有(nc > 0)虽然上面声明了 nc,但 nc 是如何声明的?改变了?比如用户如何更改它? nc 的输入在哪里?
  •       if (nc > 0) 
              if (nc < MAXWORD) //if the number of characters is less than the maxword length counter.
                  ++wl[nc]; // increase the number of elements/number of characters in the array by 1.  
  • ++wl[nc] 中的增量运算符是什么?增加1?是否增加数组wlnc有什么意义?在++wl[nc]

                  ++ovflow; // if nc is greater than the maxword however, increase the overflow by 1
          nc = 0;
  • 上面,nc = 0重置字符数?

  •   // The beginning of a new word
      else if (state == OUT) {  //if state is out or better put, if we are not in a word
          state = IN;             // In that case, upon accepting a new character, we are at the start of a new word hence state is in.
          nc = 1;                 // and upon accepting a character, the number of characters is 1.
      // inside a word
          ++nc;                   // if not outside a word or in a word, increase the number of characters by 1
  • 在下面的行中,我们初始化 maxvalue

    maxvalue = 0 ;
    for (i = 1; i < MAXWORD; ++i) //Run a for loop until i is 10. Since MAXWORD length counter is 11.
          if (wl[i] > maxvalue) //if the elements in the array is greater than the max number of elements allowed in the array
                  maxvalue = wl[i]; //the max amount of elements allowed in the array is the same as the number of elements in the array. 
  • 我不明白这部分代码。有人可以给我解释一下吗?

  • for (i = 1; i < MAXWORD; ++i)
      printf("%5d - %5d : ", i, wl[i]); //i refers to the word length while wl[i] is the frequency of its occurence.
      if (wl[i] > 0) {
          if ((len = wl[i] * MAXHIST / maxvalue) <= 0)
              len = 1;
          len = 0;
      while (len > 0) 
          putchar ('*');
    if (ovflow > 0)
      printf("There are %d words >= %d\n", ovflow, MAXWORD);


    1. 更改为else if (state == OUT)

    2. wl 数组中的第 nc 元素递增(array[1] 是数组中的第二个元素,因此第 nc 个元素是实际上是 nc + 1...)

    3. for 循环打印单词计数器(是哪个单词)及其长度。

    如果特定单词的长度大于 0,则 len 获取值 wl[i] * MAXHIST/maxvalue,然后检查 0。如果它等于 0,则 len 变为 1。

    否则:len 变为 1

    在这之后,程序打印 len 次 '*',然后是换行符

    关于c - 有关 C 编程语言 (K&R) 的问题 - 练习 1-13,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38169170/


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