c - 从文件扫描时如何使用结构实现堆栈

标签 c function stack

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef struct
    int client_id;
    char business_name [30];
    char client_first_name [20];
    char client_last_name [20];
    char address [40];
    float budget;
    float energy_requirements;
    char business_info [300];

     Client c[20];
     void initialise (FILE*,Client []);
     initialise (z,c);
     system ("PAUSE");

void initialise(FILE*z,Client c[])
     int x,max=20,top=-1;
     if (top==max-1)
     for (x=0;x<20;x++)//Assigns all places in the structure to -1 and NULL
     z=fopen ("Novus.txt","r");
     for (x=0;x<20;x++)//Replaces values in structure with data from text file
         fscanf (z,"%d\n %[^\n]\n %[^\n]\n %[^\n]\n %[^\n]\n%f\n%f\n %[^\n]\n\n",&c[x].client_id,c[x].business_name,c[x].client_first_name,c[x].address,&c[x].budget,&c[x].energy_requirements,c[x].business_info);
     fclose (z);
     void menu (FILE*,Client []);
     menu (z,c);

void menu (FILE*z,Client c[])
     int choice;
         printf ("1.Add Client\n2.Change Client Information\n3.Delete Client\n4.Search Client\n5.Calculate Energy Requirements\n6.View Clients\n7.Terminate Program\nChoose an option from above:");
         scanf ("%d",&choice);
       }while (choice<1||choice>7);
     if (choice==1)
         system ("cls");
         void accept (FILE*,Client []);
         accept (z,c);
     if (choice==2)
         system ("cls");
         void change (FILE*,Client []);
         change (z,c);
     if (choice==3)
         system ("cls");
         void destroy (FILE*,Client []);
         destroy (z,c);
     if (choice==4)
         system ("cls");
         void search (FILE*,Client []);
         search (z,c);
     if (choice==5)
         system ("cls");
         void energy (FILE*,Client []);
         energy (z,c);
     if (choice==6)
         system ("cls");
         void view (FILE*,Client []);
         view (z,c);
     if (choice==7)
         system ("cls");
         void end (FILE*,Client []);
         end (z,c);

void accept (FILE*z,Client c[])//Accepts data from the user. 
     int max=20,top=-1;
     int y=0,num,choice,choice2;
     if (top==max-1)
     printf("How Many Clients Do You Want To Add:");
     scanf ("%d",&num);
     system ("cls");
     while (y<num)
          printf ("\nEnter Client ID:");
          scanf ("%d",&c[y].client_id);
          printf ("Enter Buisness Name:");
          scanf (" %[^\n]",c[y].business_name);
          printf ("Enter Client First Name:");
          scanf (" %[^\n]",c[y].client_first_name);     
          printf ("Enter Client Last Name:");
          scanf (" %[^\n]",c[y].client_last_name);     
          printf ("Enter Buisness Address:");
          scanf (" %[^\n]",c[y].address);
          printf ("Enter Client Budget:");
          scanf ("%f",&c[y].budget);
          printf ("Enter Client Energy Requirements:");
          scanf ("%f",&c[y].energy_requirements);
          printf ("Enter Buisness Information:");
          scanf (" %[^\n]",c[y].business_info);
     do {//Asks the user if they want to enter more data or terminate program.
           printf ("\n\nDo You Want To:\n1.EnterMore Clients\n2.Continue\n");
           scanf ("%d",&choice);
        }while (choice<1 || choice>2);
     if (choice==1)
         void accept (Client []);
         accept (c);
     else if (choice==2)
               printf ("\n\nDo You Want To:\n1.Go Back To The Main Menu\n2.Exit\n");
               scanf ("%d",&choice2);
            }while (choice2<1 || choice2>2);
            if (choice2==1)
               void menu (Client[]);
               menu (c);   
            else if (choice2==2)
               void end (FILE*,Client []);
               end (z,c);


我想做的是设计一个可以用作堆栈的结构,并且可以使用 pop 函数填充该结构,例如在初始化函数中使用的函数。我的问题是,我对使用堆栈相当陌生,有时当我尝试使用堆栈运行我的程序时,我的防病毒程序卡巴斯基将其检测为特洛伊木马。我想知道的是我是否正确实现了堆栈。


所有错误都已得到解决,直到您需要定义在menu中调用的函数等...构建时,确保启用警告gcc -Wall -Wextra至少 -o yourprogram yourprogram.c 。除了上面的评论之外,我还在下面首先需要注意的地方添加了内联评论。我还提供了代码后当前编译的结果。完成所需函数的定义,然后编辑上面的问题并包含您遇到的任何新问题。祝你好运:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef struct {
    int client_id;
    char business_name[30];
    char client_first_name[20];
    char client_last_name[20];
    char address[40];
    float budget;
    float energy_requirements;
    char business_info[300];
} Client;

int main () {
    Client c[20];
    FILE *z;
    void initialise (FILE *, Client[]);
    initialise (z, c);
    system ("PAUSE");
    return 0;

void initialise (FILE * z, Client c[]) {
    int x;
    int max = 20;
    int top = -1;
    if (top == (max - 1)) {
    for (x = 0; x < 20; x++)    //Assigns all places in the structure to -1 and NULL
        c[x].client_id = -1;
        strcpy (c[x].business_name, "NULL");
        strcpy (c[x].client_first_name, "NULL");
        strcpy (c[x].client_last_name, "NULL");
        strcpy (c[x].address, "NULL");
        c[x].budget = -1;
        c[x].energy_requirements = -1;
        strcpy (c[x].business_info, "NULL");
    z = fopen ("Novus.txt", "r");
    for (x = 0; x < 20; x++)    //Replaces values in structure with data from text file
        fscanf (z,
                "%d %[^\n]s %[^\n]s %[^\n]s %f %f %[^\n]s",  /* format may need further help */
                &c[x].client_id, c[x].business_name, c[x].client_first_name,
                c[x].address, &c[x].budget, &c[x].energy_requirements,
    fclose (z);
    void menu (FILE *, Client[]);  /* must be previously declared/defined  */
    menu (z, c);                   /* you just closed 'z' two line up ??   */

void menu (FILE * z, Client c[]) {
    int choice;
    do {
            ("1.Add Client\n2.Change Client Information\n3.Delete Client\n4.Search Client\n5.Calculate Energy Requirements\n6.View Clients\n7.Terminate Program\nChoose an option from above:");
        scanf ("%d", &choice);
    } while (choice < 1 || choice > 7);
    if (choice == 1) {
        system ("cls");
        void accept (FILE *, Client[]);   /* must be previously declared/defined */
        accept (z, c);
    if (choice == 2) {
        system ("cls");
        void change (FILE *, Client[]);   /* must be previously declared/defined */
        change (z, c);
    if (choice == 3) {
        system ("cls");
        void destroy (FILE *, Client[]);  /* must be previously declared/defined */
        destroy (z, c);
    if (choice == 4) {
        system ("cls");
        void search (FILE *, Client[]);   /* must be previously declared/defined */
        search (z, c);
    if (choice == 5) {
        system ("cls");
        void energy (FILE *, Client[]);   /* must be previously declared/defined */
        energy (z, c);
    if (choice == 6) {
        system ("cls");
        void view (FILE *, Client[]);    /* must be previously declared/defined */
        view (z, c);
    if (choice == 7) {
        system ("cls");
        void end (FILE *, Client[]);     /* must be previously declared/defined */
        end (z, c);

void accept (FILE * z, Client c[])  //Accepts data from the user.
    int max = 20;
    int top = -1;
    int y = 0, num, choice, choice2;
    if (top == (max - 1)) {
    printf ("How Many Clients Do You Want To Add:");
    scanf ("%d", &num);     /* with multiple uses of scanf, you will need to flush the input buffer to      */
    system ("cls");         /* eliminate remaining '\n' chars that remain after the user presses 'Enter'    */
    while (y < num) {       /* a simple 'int c;... do {c = getchar();} while (c != '\n'); after each scanf  */
        printf ("\nEnter Client ID:");          /* will suffice. (note 'c' is declared as an 'int'          */
        scanf ("%d", &c[y].client_id);
        printf ("Enter Buisness Name:");
        scanf (" %[^\n]", c[y].business_name);
        printf ("Enter Client First Name:");
        scanf (" %[^\n]", c[y].client_first_name);
        printf ("Enter Client Last Name:");
        scanf (" %[^\n]", c[y].client_last_name);
        printf ("Enter Buisness Address:");
        scanf (" %[^\n]", c[y].address);
        printf ("Enter Client Budget:");
        scanf ("%f", &c[y].budget);
        printf ("Enter Client Energy Requirements:");
        scanf ("%f", &c[y].energy_requirements);
        printf ("Enter Buisness Information:");
        scanf (" %[^\n]", c[y].business_info);
    do {            //Asks the user if they want to enter more data or terminate program.
        printf ("\n\nDo You Want To:\n1.EnterMore Clients\n2.Continue\n");
        scanf ("%d", &choice);
    } while (choice < 1 || choice > 2);
    if (choice == 1) {
        accept (z, c);
    } else if (choice == 2) {
        do {
                ("\n\nDo You Want To:\n1.Go Back To The Main Menu\n2.Exit\n");
            scanf ("%d", &choice2);
        } while (choice2 < 1 || choice2 > 2);
        if (choice2 == 1) {
            menu (z, c);
        } else if (choice2 == 2) {
            end (z, c);


$ gcc -Wall -Wextra -o bin/addrstack addrstack.c

addrstack.c: In function ‘accept’:
addrstack.c:148:17: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘end’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
                end (z, c);
addrstack.c:97:18: note: previous declaration of ‘end’ was here
            void end (FILE *, Client[]);     /* must be previously declared/defined */
addrstack.c:148:17: error: incompatible implicit declaration of function ‘end’
                end (z, c);
addrstack.c:97:18: note: previous implicit declaration of ‘end’ was here
            void end (FILE *, Client[]);     /* must be previously declared/defined */

关于c - 从文件扫描时如何使用结构实现堆栈,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26644721/


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