c - 对适当色带的电阻(欧姆)

标签 c colors


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

void    print_codes( void );     /* menu of codes */
double  decode_char( char code );

main() {
     char    code1, code2, code3;     /* one code per band */
     double  resistance;
     double  color1, color2, color3;  /* decoded values */

     /* Print codes and prompt for user input. */
     printf( "\n\n\tEnter three codes. " );

     /* Read three character codes. */
     code1 = getchar();
     code2 = getchar();
     code3 = getchar();

     /* Decode each character code. */
     color1 = decode_char( code1 );
     color2 = decode_char( code2 );
     color3 = decode_char( code3 );

     /* Check whether codes were legal. */
     if ( color1 == -999.0  ||  color2 == -999.0  ||  color3 == -999.0 )
          printf( "\n\n\tBad code -- cannot compute resistance\n" );
     /* If codes were legal, compute and print resistance in ohms. */
     else {
          resistance = ( 10.0 * color1  +  color2 )  * pow( 10.0, color3 );
          printf( "\n\n\tResistance in ohms:\t%f\n", resistance );


/*   This function prints a menu of color codes to guide the user in
     entering input.                                               */

void  print_codes( void ) {
   printf( "\n\n\tThe colored bands are coded as follows:\n\n\n\t" );
   printf( "COLOR\t\t\tCODE\n\t" );
   printf( "-----\t\t\t----\n\n" );
   printf( "\tBlack-------------------> B\n" );
   printf( "\tBrown-------------------> N\n" );
   printf( "\tRed---------------------> R\n" );
   printf( "\tOrange------------------> O\n" );
   printf( "\tYellow------------------> Y\n" );
   printf( "\tGreen-------------------> G\n" );
   printf( "\tBlue--------------------> E\n" );
   printf( "\tViolet------------------> V\n" );
   printf( "\tGray--------------------> A\n" );
   printf( "\tWhite-------------------> W\n" );

double decode_char( char code ) {

    if (code == 0.0) {
        return 'B';
    else if (code == 1.0) {
        return 'N';
    else if (code == 'R') {
        return 2.0;
    else if (code == 'O') {
        return 3.0;
    else if (code == 'Y') {
        return 4.0;
    else if (code == 'G') {
        return 5.0;
    else if (code == 'E') {
        return 6.0;
    else if (code == 'V') {
        return 7.0;
    else if (code == 'A') {
        return 8.0;
    else if (code == 'W') {
        return 9.0;
    else {
        return -990.0;

这是一个简单的程序,可以根据添加的颜色代码来计算欧姆: Color table

E.G.输入 YVB 会给我 470 欧姆。

我一直在尝试进行反向输出,用户可以输入欧姆并获得颜色输出。例如,如果用户输入 470 欧姆,他们将得到:

Example image

我在实现此操作时遇到困难,想知道从哪里开始。我尝试将 char 更改为 double 并切换值,但这根本不起作用。 另外,是的,我知道我应该使用 switch 语句而不是 else if 语句,但这现在不是我的问题。


您可以使用 mod 运算符 % 来查找数字并将其与颜色相匹配。然后在每一步之后将 ohm 除以 10,以获得下一个数字。例如:

int ohm = 470;
char map[11] = "BNROYGEVAW";
char color[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    color[i] = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    int n = ohm % 10;
    color[i] = map[n];
    ohm /= 10;
    if (ohm == 0)

for (int i = 9; i >= 0; i--)
    if (color[i])
        printf("%c", color[i]);

关于c - 对适当色带的电阻(欧姆),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36685403/


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