
标签 c memory error-handling

然后,当我尝试释放它时(主要), 由于某种原因,它在 braude.students[2].name 上出现错误,没有其他人。

university getStudentInfo(FILE * file) // Definition of the getStudentInfo function
{ // This function reads student information from a file
  // and updates a university with this information using a pointer
    int i = 1, j;
    char name[99]; // A temporary name to hold the student's name.
    university tempUni; // A temporary university to hold values
    Stud * temp = (Stud*)malloc(sizeof(Stud)); // Allocating memory
                                              //  for an array of students

    if (temp == NULL) // In case there wasn't enough space 
        Error_Msg("Couldn't allocate enough memory.");

    while (getInfo(file, name, &temp[i - 1]) == 8)
    // Using getInfo==8, because in each row, there are 8 variables to scan
        temp[i - 1].name = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(name) + 1);
        // Allocating memory for the current element's name.

        if (temp[i - 1].name == NULL) // In case there wasn't enough space, terminate
            Error_Msg("Couldn't allocate enough memory.");
        strcpy(temp[i - 1].name, name);
        // If there was, copy the name from "name" to the current student's name.

        i++; // Increase i by one to have space in memory for one more student
        temp = (Stud*)realloc(temp, i * sizeof(Stud));
        // Realloc temp, to make more space for one more student.

        if (temp == NULL) // In case there wasn't enough space, terminate.
            Error_Msg("Couldn't allocate enough memory.");

    tempUni.students = (Stud*)malloc(sizeof(temp));
    // Allocating memory for students of the university, with the size of temp

    if (tempUni.students == NULL)
        // In case there wasn't enough space, terminate.
        Error_Msg("Couldn't allocate enough memory.");

    tempUni.students->marks[5] = '\0'; // Making the last mark in the string \0
    tempUni.students = temp; // Let the temporary university array of students be temp 
    tempUni.studentCount = i - 1; // How many students
    return tempUni; // Update the pointed university to have the same values as tempUni

但是当我释放 main 中动态分配的内存时,如下所示:

            free(braude.students[2].name); // Crashes here???



tempUni.students = (Stud*)malloc(sizeof(temp));


tempUni.students = malloc(i * sizeof(Stud));

关于无法仅释放一个动态分配的元素,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56171460/


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