c - 从文件中读取数据

标签 c structure

如何将文件中的数据读取到结构体中? 我有一个像

struct data
    char name[20];
    int age;


   ravi 12 raghu 14 datta 13 sujay 10 rajesh 13






  1. 创建结构体数组的实例、用于文件访问的文件指针和计数器变量
  2. 使用文件指针打开文件流 - 检查是否已成功打开。如果 fopen() 失败,文件指针将指向 NULL
  3. 使用循环将数据读入结构体数组。 fscanf() 返回与其格式字符串成功“匹配”的数量 - 此处为 2(将其用于循环条件)
  4. 关闭文件


#include <stdio.h>

#define FILENAME "student_info.txt"
#define MAX_NO_RECORDS 50

struct data
char name[20];
int age;

int main(void)
    /* Declare an array of structs to hold information */
    struct data StudentInfo[MAX_NO_RECORDS];
    /* Declare a file pointer to access file */
    FILE *s_info;
    int student_no = 0; /* holds no. of student records loaded */

    /* open the file for reading */
    s_info = fopen(FILENAME, "r");
    /* Check if an error has occured - exit if so */
    if(s_info == NULL)
        printf("File %s could not be found or opened - Exiting...\n", FILENAME);
        return -1;

    printf("Loading data...\n");
    while(fscanf(s_info, "%19s %i", StudentInfo[student_no].name, &StudentInfo[student_no].age) == 2)
        /* refer to records with index no. (0 to (1 - no. of records))
            individual members of structure can be accessed with . operator */
        printf("%i\t%-19s %3i\n", student_no, StudentInfo[student_no].name, StudentInfo[student_no].age);
    /* after the loop, student_no holds no of records */
    printf("Total no. of records = %i\n", student_no);
    /* Close the file stream after you've finished with it */

    return 0;

关于c - 从文件中读取数据,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6327097/


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