c - #在C中定义一个输入数字

标签 c c-preprocessor



#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define W 8.
#define H 4.

double ellipse(double);

typedef double (*DfD) (double);

double simpsons_int (DfD, double, double, int);

int main()
    double len, w, h, volume;
    printf("Please enter a length, width and height (in meters) of the an elliptical storage tank \n");
    scanf("%lf %lf %lf", &len, &w, &h);

    double a = h/2.*-1., r;
    for (double depth=10; depth<=400; depth=depth+10)
        volume = len*simpsons_int(ellipse, a, r, 10000);
        printf("depth is %.1f, volume is %f\n", depth, volume);

double ellipse(double y)
    double x;
    double A=W/2.;
    double B=H/2.;

    return x;

double simpsons_int(DfD f, double y0, double y1, int n)
    double y, sum, dy = (y1 - y0)/n;
    sum = f(y1) + f(y0);
    for(y = y0; y <= y1-dy; y += dy)
        sum += 2.0 * f(y+dy) + 4.0 * f(y + dy/2);
    return sum * dy / 6.0;

但我需要 H 和 W 是用户输入的数字,而不是 8 和 4。



1) 作为参数传递。你的函数应该是:

double ellipse(double y, double W, double H )
    double x;
    double A=W/2.;
    double B=H/2.;

    return x;

然后在 main() 中声明并扫描 W 和 H

2) 只需在 main() 之前声明 W 和 H;

double W,H;
int main()
    double len, w, h, volume;
    printf("Please enter a length, width and height (in meters) of the an elliptical storage tank \n");
    scanf("%lf %lf %lf", &len, &w, &h);
    scanf("%lf %lf",&W,&H);

    double a = h/2.*-1., r;
    for (double depth=10; depth<=400; depth=depth+10)
        volume = len*simpsons_int(ellipse, a, r, 10000);
        printf("depth is %.1f, volume is %f\n", depth, volume);


关于c - #在C中定义一个输入数字,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22748115/


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