
标签 c arrays function

我正在上 C 入门课,我的教授指派我们为当前作业编写一个名为“茶会”的游戏。我已经完成了游戏的编码,并且它在很大程度上可以工作,但是有一些我似乎无法解决的问题。

游戏规则很简单:两名玩家轮流旋转旋转器(通过输入“0”并按回车键来模拟),并收集茶会的所有 7 个元素。第一个获得全部 7 件元素的玩家获胜。唯一的问题是,除非你先有一个盘子,否则你无法收集三明治、水果或甜点。如果您落在“失去一个棋子”方 block 上,则必须放弃一个棋子。这两个错误都来自游戏中丢失棋子的实例,所以我认为错误一定源自“get_lost_piece”函数。

其中之一是“玩家”数组中的棋子编号很奇怪,因为它们比应有的值高了 1 个值。另一个错误是,当玩家在有需要盘子的元素时试图拿走盘子时,它应该打印出“抱歉,不带盘子吃饭是不礼貌的。输入另一个选择:”,但相反,我得到一个无限循环,显示“你丢失了第 1 项。”


    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <time.h>

    #define SLOW_MODE 1

    #define NUMPLAYERS 2
    #define NUMPIECES 7
    #define MAXLEN 20
    #define NO_WINNER -1


        void update_player(int player[], int square);
    int get_lost_piece(int player[]);
    int search(int piece_list[], int choice);
    int get_spin();
    void init_player(int player[]);
    int get_winner(int players[][NUMPIECES]);
    int get_next_player(int player_num);
    int count_pieces(int player[]);
    void print_player(int player[], int player_num);

    int main() {


    int players[NUMPLAYERS][NUMPIECES];

    // Initialize each player in the game.
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<NUMPLAYERS; i++)

    int player_number = 0;

    // Play until we get a winner.
    int status = get_winner(players);
    while (status == NO_WINNER) {

        int dummy;

        // In slow mode, we stop before every spin.
        if (SLOW_MODE) {
            printf("Player %d, it is your turn. Type 0 and enter to spin.\n", player_number+1);
            scanf("%d", &dummy);

        // Get the current player's spin and print out her pieces.
        int square = get_spin();
        printf("Player %d, have landed on the square %s.\n", player_number+1, CHOICES[square]);
        update_player(players[player_number], square);
        print_player(players[player_number], player_number+1);

        // Update the game status.
        player_number = get_next_player(player_number);
        status = get_winner(players);

    printf("Congrats player %d, you win!\n", status+1);

    return 0;

    // Pre-conditions: player stores the contents of one player and square is in between 0 and 7, inclusive.
    // Post-conditions: The turn for player will be executed with the given square selected.
void update_player(int player[], int square) {

    if (square == 7) {

        if (count_pieces(player) == 0)
            printf("There is no piece for you to lose. Lucky you, sort of.\n");

            int q;
            q = get_lost_piece(player);
            player[q]= 0;


    player[square]=search(player, square);

    // Restricted by having no plate!
    if (player[0] == 0) {

       if(square == 4 || square == 5 ||square == 6){
        printf("Sorry, you can't obtain that item because you don't have a plate yet.\n");}

            if (player[square] == 0){

    // Process a regular case, where the player already has a plate.
    else {
        if (player[square] == 0){

    // Pre-conditions: player stores the contents of one player that has at least one piece.
    // Post-conditions: Executes asking a player which item they want to lose, and reprompts them
//                  until they give a valid answer.
int get_lost_piece(int player[]) {

    int choice = -1;

    // Loop until a valid piece choice is made.
    while (1) {
    if (choice == -1){
        printf("Which piece would you like to lose?\n");
        scanf("%d", &choice);}
    if (player[choice] == 0 && choice < 7 && choice >= 0){
        printf("Sorry, that was not one of the choices");
        scanf("%d", &choice);
    if (player[0] == 1 && choice == 4 || choice == 5 ||choice == 6){
        printf("Sorry, it is bad manners to eat without a plate. Enter another choice:\n");
        scanf("%d", &choice);

        printf("You lost piece %d\n", choice);

    return choice;

// Pre-conditions: piece_list stores the contents of one player
// Post-conditions: Returns 1 if choice is in between 0 and 6, inclusive and corresponds to
//                  an item in the piece_list. Returns 0 if choice is not valid or if the
//                  piece_list doesn't contain it.
int search(int piece_list[], int choice) {

    int i;
    for (i=0; i<NUMPIECES; i++){
           return 1;}
        else {return 0;}
// Pre-condition: None
// Post-condition: Returns a random value in between 0 and 7, inclusive.
int get_spin() {

   return rand() % 8;


// Pre-condition: None
// Post-condition: Initializes a player to have no pieces.
void init_player(int player[]) {

  int j;

  for (j=0; j< NUMPIECES; j++)


// Pre-condition: players stores the current states of each player in the tea party game.
// Post-condition: If a player has won the game, their 0-based player number is returned.
//                 In the case of no winners, -1 is returned.
int get_winner(int players[][NUMPIECES]) {

   int i =0;
  for (i=0; i<NUMPLAYERS; i++){
    if(count_pieces(players[i]) == NUMPIECES) {
        return i;}
 return -1;


// Pre-condition: 0 <= player_num < NUMPLAYERS
// Post-condition: Returns the number of the next player, in numerical order, with
//                 a wrap-around to the beginning after the last player's turn.
int get_next_player(int player_num) {

    if (player_num == NUMPLAYERS){
        player_num = 0;
    return player_num;


// Pre-conditions: player stores the contents of one player
// Post-conditions: Returns the number of pieces that player has.
int count_pieces(int player[]) {

    int y, counter;

    counter = 0;

    for ( y = 0; y < 7; y++){
        if(player[y] == 1){
return counter;

// Pre-conditions: player stores the contents of one player and player_num is that
//                 player's 1-based player number.
// Post-conditions: Prints out each item the player has, numbered with the numerical
//                  "codes" for each item.
void print_player(int player[], int player_num) {

    int i;

    printf("Player %d\n", player_num);

    for (i=0; i < 7; i++){
        if (player[i] == 1){
            printf("%d. %s\n", i + 1, CHOICES[i]);




  • 需要#include <stdlib.h>对于 rand() , srand()
  • 添加player_number参数get_lost_piece()并将其传递给print_player .


  • 在循环开始时获取输入一次。
  • 使用continue每个 if 中的关键字重做循环的语句。

当我改变 get_lost_piece() 的逻辑时,它工作得很好。至:

     get choice
     if  choice < 1 || choice > 7   "1-7 please..." continue
     if  player[choice - 1] == 0   "sorry..." continue
     if  choice == 1  (and player[] contains foods)   "bad manners..." continue
 return choice - 1;


  • 循环应该受到限制,并且需要为玩家提供退出选项。
  • 查看FAQ entry :scanf()返回错误,将内容留在输入流中。
  • 尽早测试,经常测试。
  • 打开编译器警告(按照 catcall 的建议)

关于C:创建一款游戏,但在某些情况下我遇到了一个错误和无限循环错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10150612/


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